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Kursdata & kursanalys

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Course round Examiner and course responnsible Examination form Number of MSc students takingparticipating and being examined in the course Number of MSc students being examinedfilling in feedback form % of students rankin the course among the top 10% KTH courses * % of students rankin the course among the top 25% KTH courses ** % of students who would take the course again *** Course changes to previous year Joachim Oberhammer project work with deliverables, reports, presentation 2 2 100% 100% 100% N/A 2011 Joachim Oberhammer project work with deliverables, reports, presentation 10 10 30% 70% 80% introduction of weekly progress meetings ... 2012 Joachim Oberhammer project work with deliverables, reports, presentation 610 6 50% 83% 100% 2013 Joachim Oberhammer project work with deliverables, reports, presentation 56 5 33% 100% 100% 2014 Joachim Oberhammer project work with deliverables, reports, presentation 7 7 33% 100% 100% 2015 Joachim Oberhammer project work with deliverables, reports, presentation 17 17 50% 100% 100% 2016 Joachim Oberhammer project work with deliverables, reports, presentation 24 24 42% 88% 92% Migration to KTH canvas; group size of 4 instead of 3 students; stream-lining of task description 2017 Joachim Oberhammer project work with deliverables, reports, online-quizzes, presentation 236 23 44% 91% 100% dropping of intermediate report; introduction of fabrication pre- and post quizzes; introduction of video lectures (reverse class-room model); introduction of quizzes to initial lectures (but not yet used as examination criteria); group self-signup in CANVAS 2018 Joachim Oberhammer project work with deliverables, reports, online-quizzes, presentation 17 17 53% 82% 100% quizzes to initial lectures added as examination criteria; introduction of MEMS on-paper-design tutorial; extension of software-tools tutorial 2019 Joachim Oberhammer project work with deliverables, reports, online-quizzes, presentation early sign-up to evaluation laboratories * course goal: >50%** course goal: >90%*** course goal: >90%¶