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Här visas ändringar i "Seminar 2: Ethics" mellan 2015-10-24 20:54 av Patric Jensfelt och 2015-10-24 21:11 av Patric Jensfelt.

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Seminar 2

Seminar 12 : Location, time, place Note: The seminars start 15min past the hour. Make sure to be there before that otherwise you will miss the seminar.

Group Date and time Place Mentor 1 Mon 23/11 10:15-12 Teknikringen 14, floor 5, room 523Wait at the door outside the corridor. Do not ring the bell!!! Patric 2 Mon 23/11 13:15-15 Elling 3 Tue 24/11 10:15-12 Alexandre 4 Tue 24/11 13:15-15

Cristian 5 Wed 25/11 10:15-12 Dimos 6 Wed 25/11 13:15-15 Jonas


Chris Bryant (2015, March 1), Driverless cars must learn to take ethical route, Retrieved from http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/4ab2cc1e-b752-11e4-981d-00144feab7de.html#slide0


