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Reports and communications from project courses in Sustainable Urban Planning at KTH 2024

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Explore and find inspiration for sustainable urban and environmental planning in the projects prepared by students in the master's project courses Sustainable Urban Planning - Assessments, Plans and Processes (AG2809) and Sustainable Urban Planning - Strategies for Urban and Regional Development (AG2129) at KTH. The courses are challenge-driven and the projects are addressing urban sustainability challenges shared by the course partner. In 2024, the partner was Järfälla municipality in the Stockholm County. 

The project topics range across affordable housing, transport, post-growth, equity, water management, nature base solutions, scenario methods in planning and public spaces. Navigate the topics in the left-hand menu. For each topic, there is an in-depth report and visual media communication to delve deeper into. 

For any questions about the courses, do get in touch with the course leaders: 

AG2809 - Sara Borgströmsara.borgstrom@abe.kth.se 

AG2129 - Jenny Lindbladjenny.lindblad@abe.kth.se 

Karta över Järfälla kommun utgiven 1984 av Järfälla Kommun, Informationsavdelningen.

Image caption: Karta över Järfälla Kommun utgivet 1984 av Järfälla kommun, Informationsavdelningen. 

Image source: "JkB 14804 – Karta", Fotograf: Ulf Nyberg. 
Hämtad 08 januari 2025 från platsen: Järfälla kommuns bildarkiv,
