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KTH degrees rank high on job market

Recruiters meet with students at last year's Armada job fair, sponsored by THS, the student union at KTH. An international survey by QS shows that degrees from KTH rank high among those of job seekers.
Published Sep 12, 2017

A degree from KTH is valuable currency on the job market, a new survey shows. KTH is ranked 94th best university in the world in QS Graduate Employability Rankings, which measures students' chances of getting jobs. KTH is one of two universities in Sweden to be listed in the top 100 (along with Chalmers University), and it ranks 32nd among all European universities.

"This is a very positive result, which points to our good international reputation, and the fact that students who have attended KTH have good opportunities in an international labor market," says Per-Anders Östling, KTH's ranking expert.

The QS ranking  measures the outside world's view of how attractive students are to employers, as well as the opportunities and prerequisites for employment. Rankings are based, among other things, on surveys, career information, published statistics and employer activities on campus.

Per-Anders Östling

Such rankings are becoming increasingly influential in students’ choice of education and institutions. “Employability rankings will take on greater importance for students in the future, since it’s no longer obvious that a long and good education results in a good and well-paid job,” Östling says.

“Employers, on the other hand, would rather focus more on universities’ overall and subject rankings, as they say something more about the institutions’ quality of research and education.”

The rankings are arrived by weighted scores in several areas. Employer reputation, which accounts for 30 percent of the score, is based on more than 30,000 responses to the QS Employer Survey. The survey asks employers to identify institutions from which they source the most competent, innovative and effective graduates.

Also taken into account are alumni outcomes (25% of total score), partnerships with employers per faculty (25%), employer-student connections (10%) and graduate employment rate (10%).

Christer Gummeson/David Callahan