Publication list on your profile page
If you are a researcher you can have a publication list on your profile page.
The publication list is based on the publications registered in DiVA. To make your list of publications visible on your profile page you must first activate it.
Go to your profile to activate the publication list:
- Click the button Edit my profile.
- Click the edit button for publications.
- Check that your list of publications is correct. The list separates different types of publications, and is divided into three sections: Peer reviewed, Non-peer reviewed and Patents.
- You can hide specific publications or entire categories of publications by clicking the button Hide or Hide category.
- If you would like to add publications or change the contents of the records you log in to DiVA and make the changes there. See Important to keep in mind when registering in DiVA.
- When you are satisfied with your list you click Publish my list of publications. The list will then be displayed on your profile page. You cannot unpublish your list once you have published it, but you can hide specific publications, or entire categories of publications, according to the above. The next time that you edit your publication list you only have to press the button Save in the editing view to save your changes and make them visible.
- By clicking the menu button to the right of the Save button you can access more buttons.
The records are imported automatically from DiVA once every day. This means that when you have registered or updated a record in DiVA this will not be shown in your publication list until the next day. However, you can click Update from DiVA if you would like to update your list of publications immediately.
Published material will be included in your publication list grouped by publication type, but manuscripts will be shown under the headline Other.
Since your publications are imported from the KTH publication database DiVA it is important that all your publications are correctly registered in DiVA and that you register your KTH-id in the records. You find your KTH-id on your profile page (starts with u).
Any errors in the list should be corrected in DiVA. If you do not have access to the DiVA record, or if a publication is missing you can contact the library.