Important to keep in mind when registering in DiVA
There are several things to think about when registering publications manually into DiVA.
Organisational affiliation
- Register organisational affiliation, i.e. the correct school, department, centre etc., for every author affiliated to KTH at the time the publication was produced.
- An author can register several organisational affiliations for one publication, for example both a department and a centre. If a centre is registered it should be supplemented with the department or division where the author is employed.
- KTH-id should be registered in the field Local User ID in DiVA. (KTH-id is a unique id that consists of eight characters, for example u1l3g15d, which all KTH employees have. You find it on the right-hand side of your profile page, when logged in at KTH).
- KTH-id should be registered for all KTH affiliated authors, regardless of whether the publication was produced during a period when the author was affiliated to KTH or not.
Peer review (refereeing)
- Peer review refers to the review of the complete, published text.
- The fact that a journal uses peer review does not automatically mean that all publications within the journal should be regarded as peer reviewed.
- If a publication has been reviewed by subject experts is not, in itself, the same thing as peer review.
Incomplete or incorrect posts
If you find incomplete or incorrect posts where you are one of the authors, you should log in to DiVA and correct the posts (see below). Only the persons registered with their KTH-id, or mentioned as authors, can edit a post.
To edit a post:
- Log in to DiVA
- Choose Edit/Delete post.
- Retrieve the post and edit it. You cannot edit posts with full text files.
- Continue to the last page of the form and save the changes by clicking Accept.
Upload a full text file
Remember to check the publisher's terms and conditions before you upload a text file. You can do this in the Open policy finder (formerly called Sherpa Romeo) . Once you have uploaded a file, it takes a few days before it gets published in DiVA, as a librarian needs to check it first.
Change a full text file
When you have upload a full text file to a DiVA post, you cannot change it yourself nor can you change doctoral theses or student theses.
For help with deleting an incorrect post, editing a post with full text or other questions, please contact the library.