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National infrastructures

KTH is host or part in several national research infrastructures with funding from the Swedish Research Council.

KTH's national infrastructures

The following national infrastructures are hosted by KTH:

National Genome Infrastructure (NGI) 

This research infrastructure, located at SciLifeLab, provides access to technology and computational tools for massive parallel DNA sequencing, genotyping, and associated bioinformatics support.

National Microscopy Infrastructure (NMI)

This research infrastructure provides support for the use of advanced microscopy by research groups in the life sciences. NMI also coordinates national and international knowledge exchange in the fields of microscopy and image analysis.

Infrastructures where KTH is partner

KTH is a partner in the following national infrastructures:

Accelerator based Ion Technology Centre

This research infrastructure provides and develops skills in ion beam-based materials analysis and modification. Partners in the infrastructure consortium are Uppsala University, KTH and Linköping University.

Biodiversitey Atlas Sweden (BAS) and Swedish LifeWatch (SLW), (SBDI)

Following the merger of the previous BAS and SLW, the SBDI now constitutes a common platform for making biodiversity data accessible via powerful analysis and visualization tools. The partners are the Swedish Museum of Natural History, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, the Karolinska Institute, Linnaeus University, Lund University, KTH, Stockholm University, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, Umeå University, University of Gothenburg, and Uppsala University.

Fusion Infrastructure (InfraFusion)

InfraFusion is a national infrastructure for researching and developing fusion reactors: ITER and DEMO. The infrastructure node comprises Chalmers (coordinating), KTH, and Uppsala University. ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Rector) is an international research facility based in France. It is also a collaboration project to build and demonstrate an experimental thermonuclear fusion reactor.

DEMO (DEMOnstration Power Plan) is a power plant planned to be built as a fusion reactor according to the findings of the ITER project. The infrastructure is constructed to strengthen the national competence within fusion science and technology.


HUMINFRA is a national humanities and social sciences research infrastructure funded by the Swedish Research Council (VR). HUMINFRA is led by the Humanist Laboratory in Lund. It involves twelve universities and organisations nationwide with expertise in e-scientific/digital materials, research tools, and experimental methods for the humanities. The KTH HUMINFRA node is associated with the national infrastructure Språkbanken Tal.


This research infrastructure provides services within micro and nano fabrication through various partner nodes, of which KTH and RISE are responsible for the Electrum Laboratory in Kista. Other nodes are Chalmers University of Technology and Uppsala University.

National Academic Infrastructure for Super­computing in Sweden (NAISS)

NAISS (formerly SNIC) is the new infrastructure organisation for data processing, storage, and data services. Linköping University hosts NAISS with a national perspective and responsibility. The Swedish Research Council (VR) provides the primary funding for NAISS, while user support, organized in a decentralized structure, is being developed in collaboration with several Swedish universities.

National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS)

This research infrastructure provides a number of different services and tools, as well as guidelines on bioinformatics for the research community.

National Infrastructure for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (SwedNMR)

SwedNMR is a research infrastructure within nuclear magnetic resonance, a technique in physics and chemistry used to study the structure, composition, and dynamics of molecules.

SwedNMR consists of four access nodes located at the University of Gothenburg, Umeå University, and Stockholm University/KTH, complemented by expert nodes with specific expertise at SLU, Uppsala University, Linköping University, Chalmers University of Technology, and Karolinska Institute. KTH and Stockholm University together form an access node coordinated by Stockholm University.

National Research Infrastructure for Data Visualisation (InfraVis)

InfraVis is a national research infrastructure funded by the Swedish Research Council (VR) to promote scientific development through the application of modern techniques for data analysis and visualization, coordinated by Chalmers University of Technology. InfraVis consists of nine visualisation environments and aims to enhance support for data analysis, address new challenges involving large and complex data, and create competitive advantages for Swedish researchers. KTH has the second-largest visualisation environment - the Visualisation Studio (VIC). VIC is also an established infrastructure at KTH.

Protein Production Sweden (PPS)

Protein Production Sweden (PPS) is a national distributed research infrastructure focused on production and purification of protein reagents on-demand. The aim is to serve Swedish researchers in academia as well as industry. Partners in the infrastructure are University of Gothenburg (host university), Lund University, Karolinska Institutet and Umeå University.

Språkbanken and Swe-Clarin

Språkbanken (directly translated - Language bank) is working to build a Swedish e-infrastructure for research in language technologies, linguistics and other fields of research using language data. Its three divisions (Språkbanken Text, Språkbanken Tal, and Språkbanken Sam) cover separate areas of language and speech-oriented research.". KTH is responsible for the division Språkbanken Tal.

The Swe-Clarin network, the Swedish node of the European research infrastructure CLARIN ERIC, is linked to Språkbanken.

Swedish National Data Service (SND)

Swedish National Data Service (SND) supports the accessibility, preservation, and re-use of research data and related materials. A network of 40 universities and other research organizations is creating a national infrastructure for open access to research data.

Swedish Research Infrastructure for Advanced Electron Microscopy (ARTEMI)

ARTEMI is a national infrastructure for advanced electron microscopy, funded by the Swedish Research Council (VR) and led by Linköping University. ARTEMI comprises six academic institutions, each serving as a node with complementary instruments and methods.

KTH's international research infrastructures

KTH hosts several international research infrastructures with funding from the Swedish Research Council.

Advanced Gamma Tracking Array (AGATA)

AGATA is a European research project with the aim of developing and building a 4pi gamma-ray spectrometer for use in experiments involving both stable and radioactive ion beams and facilitating the exploration of the structure and functions of atomic nuclei.

A Large Ion Collider Experiment (ALICE)

ALICE is a major ion collision experiment, like ATLAS performed in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the CERN particle physics laboratory. The main task is investigation of high energy ion collisions. Over 1,800 physicists, engineers, and technicians from 41 different countries are working together on the ALICE experiment.

A Torroidal LHC ApparatuS (ATLAS)

ATLAS is one of the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a particle accelerator at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research. Its main task is to investigate high energy collisions between elementary particles and using these collisions to try to improve the standard model and discover new physics phenomena.

Center for X-Rays in Swedish Material Science (CeXS)

The CeXS center at KTH hosts Swedish material science research’s beamline, located at the PETRA III synchrotron in Hamburg. CeXS secures privileged access to this infrastructure for Swedish researchers and also presents the requirements and requests of the Swedish material science research community.