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New basic course book in Project Management

Published Jun 05, 2012

A new book in Project Management has just been released by Liber, written by Anette Hallin, teacher and researcher at INDEK, and Tina Karrbom Gustavsson, Senior Lecturer in Project Communication at the Dept of Real Estate and Construction Management.

Anette & Tina
Anette Hallin and Tina Kärrbom

- We saw a need for a new book in Project Management, Anette Hallin says. The books that dominate the Swedish market do not acknowledge that project in one kind of organizational setting may be very different from a project in a different organization. The purpose with the book is to display the great variety of projects, and to help the reader understand the need to combine project management-tools in a suitable way when working with Project Management.

"Project Management" (now released in Swedish; available in English in August), is a basic course book written for students of Project Management as well as for active Project Managers. It is built on current research in project management which shows that all projects not always have specified goals at the outset, and that it may be very difficult – sometimes almost impossible – to plan and steer a project. The book introduces the concept "goal-oriented" and "goal-seeking" projects; "goal-oriented projects" being projects that have a clearly defined goal from the beginning, and "goal-seeking" referring to projects that depart from a vision, and where the goal is specified during the course of the project. By using five examples of projects the book describes both stage-gate-models and other traditional project management-tools, as well as newer agile methods. This way, it shows how project management is about the ability to use different models and methods to manage projects.

Belongs to: Industrial Economics and Management
Last changed: Jun 05, 2012