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Outstanding Paper Award

Published Oct 18, 2016

Professor Lihui Wang, Department of Production Engineering has been awarded two prestigious prizes for “Outstanding Paper Award” and “Best Paper award”.

Outstanding Paper Award

On June 30, 2016, Professor Lihui Wang of Department of Production Engineering received an Outstanding Paper Award at the 44th North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC44) at Virginia Tech, USA.

This paper entitled “Combined Strength of Holons, Agent and Function Blocks in Cyber-Physical Systems” and co-authored with Azadeh Haghighi proposed a novel approach to implementing cyber-physical systems.

Best Paper Award

At its collocated conference ASME MSEC 2016 (2016 ASME Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference) on June 29, 2016, Professor Lihui Wang also received a Best Paper Award on “Feature-Based Adaptive Manufacturing Equipment Control for Cloud Environments”, co-authored with Göran Adamson, Magnus Holm and Philip Moore.

NAMRC and MSEC are two collocated flagship manufacturing conferences in North America, organised by NAMRI (North American Manufacturing Research Institution) of SME (Society of Manufacturing Engineers) and Manufacturing Engineering Division of ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers), respectively. Around 550 participants from North America, Asia and Europe attended this year’s collocated conferences.

At the June NAMRI Board meeting, Professor Wang was elected the Chair of its Scientific Committee for 2016-2018.

Belongs to: School of Industrial Engineering and Management
Last changed: Oct 18, 2016