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Second FAO Nexus dialogue in Morocco

Published Apr 27, 2020

Investigating possible nexus solutions and supporting measures related to water scarcity, agricultural intensification, and sustainable energy for agriculture in the Souss-Massa river basin, Morocco.

The second nexus workshop of the FAO-SIDA project  was held in Agadir, Morocco, between 4-5th March 2020. More than 30 experts from the agriculture, water, energy and environment sectors participated in the two-days workshop. The event aimed at sharing the preliminary results and outcomes of the ongoing analytical research, co-developed between KTH and Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) . Furthermore, it investigates possible nexus solutions and supporting measures related to three thematic areas: water scarcity, agricultural intensification, and sustainable energy for agriculture. PhD Candidate , from KTH-dESA, together with the researchers from Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), presented the modelling effort and the preliminary results. A number of meetings with key stakeholders to ensure close stakeholders involvement followed the workshop. In addition, the team conducted a field visit to get onsite inputs from farmers. The FAO-SIDA project  aims at “Implementing the 2030 Agenda for water efficiency/productivity and water sustainability in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) countries”. To achieve that, the modelling methodology is based on integrating two modelling frameworks namely: The Water Evaluation And Planning (WEAP) model (by SEI) and a GIS-based energy model (by KTH).