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Porridge Lunch Highlights the Importance of Heritage Cereals and Dietary Fibers

Published Dec 06, 2023

On Tuesday, December 5th, KTH FOOD hosted a Porridge lunch with talks on the theme heritage cereals, whole grains, and dietary fibers. The popular event aimed to explore the significance of these elements in creating a more sustainable and healthy food system.

Food for Thought

Heritage cereals are grains not subjected to modern crop breeding and they often have higher resilience to extreme environmental conditions and higher levels of dietary fiber than modern varieties that have undergone extensive breeding. Dietary fibres are plant carbohydrates that remain resistant to digestion and absorption in the human small intestine, and that undergo complete or partial fermentation by our gut bacteria in the large intestine. Eating whole grains ensures that we increase our dietary fibre consumption, as dietary fiber have several health benefits in regulating blood sugar levels, promoting a feeling of satiety and promoting beneficial gut bacteria. 

Heritage cereals, a sustainble source of dietary fibres

Increasing use of heritage cereal grains has benefits for health and the planet. Cereal grains are a sustainable source of dietary energy, carbohydrates, and plant proteins. Eating whole grains also provides beneficial dietary fibres and phytochemicals, which are important for gut health. KTH FOOD gathered experts from the primary sector on cereal grains within research, innovation and consumption to learn more.

Faculty, students and stakeholders of the centre enjoyed a program includingtalks by Karin Gerhardt from SLU on sustainable food from heritage cereals, Francisco Vilaplana from KTH discussing the fiber-gap, and Lovisa Martin Marais from Lantmännen sharing consumer perspectives on whole grains and fiber products. Sébastien Boudet provided insights into why consuming porridge made from ancient cereals is not beneficial but also tasty.  

Not just for breakfast

While most associate porridge as a breakfast food, Sébastian Boudet introduced particpants to a savoury bowl for lunch. Boudet sauted onions, garlic and seasonal vegetables to give flavour and nutrients to the dietary fibres of the heritage grains he used as a base to the porridge. According to Boudet, this healthy and filling lunch is affordable for everyone, as it costs less than 10 kr per portion, as well as being quick and easy to prepare.