EU Charter & Code and "HR Excellence in Research" award
KTH has been awarded the "HR Excellence in Research" award, which reflects KTH's commitment to continuously develop its personnel policy in line with the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. EU Charter & Code constitutes, responsibilities and rights of employers, a fundamental and common quality framework aimed at strengthening research in Europe.

About the EU Charter & Code
EU C&C consists of general principles and requirements which specifies the roles, responsibilities and entitlements of researchers and their employers. It constitutes a common frame of quality with purpose to strengthen the research in Europe.
The European Commission wants to support a development towards a strong European Research Area and a competitive, strong and knowledge-based European economy, thus issued a recommendation on the EU C&C in 2005.
By improving the conditions of free research, promoting an open and sustainable labour market for researchers, the aim is to contribute to successful research achievements and to promote exchange of knowledge and technical development.
Today, the number of European universities connected to EU C&C amounts over 500, and over 1200 universities all over Europe are preparing to connect.
EU C&C embraces 40 general principles that are divided into four areas;
- Ethical and Professional Aspects
- Recruitment
- Working Conditions and Social Security
- Training and Development
The Implementation Phase
After approved application, the implementation process will proceed in a continuous quality work, by integrating the principles of EU C&C in KTHs own quality work in accordance with the action plan’s objectives. The Commission will then do an interim desk assessment after 24 months, and after that a site visit assessment after 36 months. KTH can modify the action plan when needed.
The gap analysis shows where KTH is now and the action plan is a tool for how KTH will reach the goal.
Gap-Analysis Process (pdf 217 kB)
Gap-Analysis Overview (pdf 470 kB)
Internal review and Action Plan 2023-2026 (pdf 703 kB)
The Implementation Process HRS4R
The implementation process will follow a mandatory process, HRS4R – Human Resources Strategy for Reseachers, with subsequent modules in order to help each university to facilitate the implementation of EU C&C into its own policies. The process contains fixed templates and mandatory implementation steps. The process is divided into three phases.

The Award Renewal Phase
Regular assessments are made in order to uphold and renew the award of HR Excellence in Research. These are held every third year; every second time as a desk assessment and with site visit assessments by six years’ interval, synchronized with the overall KTH quality work.
About the HRS4R process on the Euraxess website
Read More about the EU C&C
Information about the Charter & Code on the Euraxess website
Find the Charter among other brochures on the Euraxess website