Albin Eriksson Östman
About me
Undervisar i matematik.
Studier i matematik, filosofi och spanska, Uppsala Universitet.
Doktorandstudier i matematik (symplektisk geometri).
Konsult i riskanalys.
Algebra and Geometry (SF1624), course responsible, teacher | Course web
Applied Statistics, Basic Course (ML1604), course responsible, teacher | Course web
Business Control with Applied Statistics (ML1111), course responsible, teacher | Course web
Calculus in One Variable (SF1625), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Calculus in One Variable (SF1685), examiner | Course web
Introductory Course in Mathematics (SF0003), teacher | Course web
Mathematics for Technical Preparatory Year I (ML0021), teacher | Course web
Mathematics for Technical Preparatory Year II (ML0024), teacher, assistant | Course web
Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of Sustainable Production (ML2302), teacher | Course web
Perspectives on Mathematics (SF1661), examiner, teacher, course responsible | Course web