Martin Viklund
About me
I am a Professor at the Dept. of Applied Physics, KTH-Royal Institute of Technology. My research group is working with ultrasound applied to lab-on-a-chip devices, a research field termed "Acoustofluidics". We are interested in using ultrasound for manipulation of particles and biological cells (acoustophoresis / acoustic trapping), and fluids (acoustic streaming). The most important application is 3D cell culture and micro-tissue and micro-tumor engineering.
I did undergraduate studies at Lund Institute of Technology (Engineering Physics, 1993-1998; Profile: Biomedical Optics), and postgraduate studies at Royal Institute of Technology (Physics, 1999-2004; Profile: Ultrasound-enhanced immunosassays), followed by postdoctoral research at Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Berlin, Germany (2004-2005; Profile: Dielectrophoresis for cell handling).
I am Program Director of the five-year Degree Programme in Engineering Physics (CTFYS), KTH. My reseach lab and office is located at at SciLifeLab, Gamma-3 (Div. for Biophysics). Since May 2024 I am Head of the Division for Biophysics at KTH.
Ultrasound for 3D cell culture and micro-tissue engineering.
Degree Project in Applied Physics, Second Cycle (SK202X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Engineering Physics, First cycle (SA114X), examiner, course responsible | Course web
Electromagnetism and Waves (SK1114), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Experimental Physics (SK1105), teacher | Course web
Fundamental Physics I (SK1150), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Microscale Acoustofluidics (SK2539), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Microscale Acoustofluidics (FSK3541), examiner, course responsible | Course web
Project in Engineering Physics (SA1005), examiner | Course web