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Joakim Gustafsson

Profilbild av Joakim Gustafsson

Professor, prefekt




Om mig

I am a professor in speech technology and head of departement at TMH. My research activity covers design and development of multimodal systems, conversational speech synthesis and social robots, as well as interactional analysis of spontaneous spoken dialogue phenomena.    I am currently heading the VR-funded project Connected  (context-aware speech synthesis for conversational AI) that develops a spontaneous speech synthesizer that uses breath and disfluencies as an implicit control of the manner of speaking (TTS examples).  I am also co-PI in the VR funded project STANCE (Perception of speaker stance - using spontaneous speech synthesis to explore the contribution of prosody, context and speaker), and the RJ-funded project CAPTivating (Comparative Analysis of Public speaking
with Text-to-speech).

I am also co-PI in a KTH Digital Futures funded collaborative project AAIS (Advanced Adaptive Intelligent Systems), where the aim is to develop social robots that can assist elderly in everyday tasks, e.g. giving sitation-dependent cooking directions.

I defended my PhD thesis at KTH in 2002. My supervisor was professor Björn Granström and my faculty opponent was professor Julia Hirschbergfrom Columbia university, NY, US.

I am examiner and lecturer in the speech technology course. I am member of the Editorial Boards of the journal Speech Communication and the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, and Review Editor on the Editorial Board of Human-Robot Interaction, specialty section of Frontiers in Robotics and AI. I was Technical Program co-Chair of Interspeech 2017 and spoken dialogue Area Chair of Interspeech 2015,2016,2018,2019.  I am member of the Board of ISCA (International Speech Communication Association).


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