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Malin Wennerholm

Profile picture of Malin Wennerholm




About me

Deputy Head of Education at ABE School (Architecture and Built Environment),  specific responsability for the field of Architecture and Deputy Head of Department Architecture, KTH. Architect, educated at LTH, Faculty of Engineering, Lund and ETSAM, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid. The villa project in hersby villastad received Lidingö's urban environment award, 2016 and was published in the book "Swedish villas SMLXL", Arkitektur förlag, 2017 and magazine Arkitektur, 2015 and exhibited at the Nordic Pavilion, La Biennale di Venezia, 2016. Published “The Gender-Eye Approach: Eleven Tales from KTH School of Architecture in Stockholm", Field, 2018. Awarded the KTH Rector's Equality and Diversity Award, 2016 and the KTH Rector´s Pedagogy Award, 2015. The publications "Ugly", 2017 "Boring" and "Uglier", 2018, Master's studios  "Ugly and Boring",  KTH. The booklet "Enough is Enough" on Architecture and Gender Equality, 2016. Awarded Ung Svensk Form, Young Swedish Design, Architecture, "The second bridge in Malmö, Rosengård, an island in Malmö", 2001.


Architectural Technology 1 (A11TEB), teacher | Course web

Architectural Technology 3:1 Building, City, Process (A31T1A), teacher | Course web

Artistic Methods and Techniques 1 (A11KOB), teacher | Course web

Degree Project in Architecture, Second Cycle (A52EXA), examiner, teacher | Course web

History and Theory of Architecture 1: Introduction to European Architecture (A11HIB), teacher | Course web

Introductory Course (A11INA), teacher | Course web

Orientation; History, Theory and Technology of Architecture 5 (A52O1A), teacher | Course web

Orientation; History, Theory and Technology of Architecture 5:2 (A52O2A), teacher | Course web