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Sara Ilstedt

Profile picture of Sara Ilstedt




About me

Sara Ilstedt has an MA in industrial design and a Phd in human-computer interaction where she focused on wellbeing and design.  She has done reserach in design and gender issues, sustainability and behavioural changes.
After her Phd she worked at Interactive Institute with with ways to visualise energy consumption in the projects Static and Aware. Her team was awarded “The coolest invention of the year” by Time magazine 2006 for “Flower Lamp” and 2010 for “Power Aware cord”. She was editor of the anthology “Under Ytan” about Swedish design research, and director of study for Designfakulteten.
In 2007 she was appointed professor at KTH and in 2012, she started Green Leap, a researchgroup that aims to act as a catalyst for change by engaging design in sustainable development. Green Leap initiates projects joining academy and design business in multidisciplinary and transformative design research.
Right now Sara focuses on how to understand lifestyles as a tool for sustainablity changes. Read more about Green Leap at


Advanced Product Design (MF2112), course responsible, teacher | Course web

Advanced Service Design (MF2039), examiner, teacher | Course web

Advanced Sketch Exercises (MF2097), examiner, course responsible | Course web

Bridging Science and Societal Needs through Design Thinking (FLF3014), examiner | Course web

Degree Project in Industrial Design Engineering, Second Cycle (MF217X), teacher | Course web

Degree Project in Industrial Design Engineering, Second Cycle (MF227X), teacher | Course web

Design Methodology in Urban Mobility (MF2098), examiner, course responsible | Course web

Design for Sustainability (MF2114), teacher | Course web

Develop Creativity (MF2094), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web

Innovations for the Emerging City, Openlab Multidisciplinary Project Course (MF2065), examiner | Course web

Sustainable Consumption (MF2093), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web