The SEUD experiment is proposed by the Department of Electronic Systems, KTH
The purpose of this experiment is two‐fold:
- To test an in‐house concept for self‐healing/fault‐tolerant computer system in a hostile environment (like space) to see if it will be able to heal itself by correcting faults during run‐time.
- To measure the expected SEU (Single‐Event Upset) frequency in near‐earth orbit. The SEU detector can also be used to detect solar flares, since the number of SEUs/day is increased significantly when that happens.
Some FPGAs (Field-Programmable Gate Array) made by the company Xilinx have the capability to detect and correct faults caused by Single‐Event Upsets (SEUs) in the configuration memory by reloading parts of the FPGA during run‐time. Therefore, this technique can be used to build a Single‐Event Upset Detector (SEUD) that measures/counts Single‐Event Upsets that happens inside the FPGA. The minimum detection resolution time is dependent on the maximal scanning frequency of the selected device (~3‐10 ms/complete chip scan). The FPGA itself can be configured with the necessary functionality and computers needed for controlling and surveillance of the SEUD.