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Kursanalys VT23

Summary data on course implementation and outcomes

This course analyis refers to the course offering in period 4 2022/2024 of the higher education pedagogy course LH216V/LH216U Develop the Learning by Using Grading Criteria 1,5 credits.

Number of admitted course participants: 18 (of which 4 were external to KTH and were admitted to LH216U)
Number of active course participants (showing any activity): 15
Performance and pass rate of active participants: 87% (80% 2023-07-13, one month after the end of the course)
2 active course participants did not complete the course.

Teachers were Viggo Kann (course coordinator and examiner), Hans Havtun and Camilla Björn.
Guest lecturer was Emma Lundkvist, Uppsala university.

The course had two mandatory and two optional meetings. Most course participants attended all four meetings.
There were two mandatory submissions and one mandatory peer assessment.
Additionally, there was a formative quiz completed by all course participants, and an optional submission and peer assessment of drafts for the final assignment, completed by 11 out of 15 course participants (all of these passed the course).

Link to the course memo

Course evaluation

At the final meeting of the course, a course evaluation session was conducted with all teachers and most course participants present. Together, we assessed the course. Participants found the course very rewarding, and the structure was considered effective. The additional meeting introduced in this course session (Give and receive feedback on grading criteria and assessment in the preliminary version of assignment 2) was seen as a valuable addition.

The course room was deemed well-organized and easy to navigate. The hybrid meeting form made it harder to discuss in groups and groups of participants who had given each other written feedback before the meeting where often split between Zoom and the room.

At the end of the first meeting, a brief anonymous written evaluation was also conducted for formative purposes. The results were presented in the course room along with responses to the questions posed during the initial session and in the written evaluation.

After the end of the course, a standard LEQ survey was sent to the course participants. Since this was done right after the course meeting where the particiapants were also able to give feedback, only 4 participants answered the survey. Summary of the results.

3 of 4 answered that they worked on average 3-5 hours a week with the course.The answers to the 6 LEQ questions had a mean value of between 5.2 (The course was challenging in a stimulating way) to 7 (I was able to learn by collaborating and discussing with others).

Here are all answers to the open questions:

What was the best aspect of the course?

  • Completion of the assignment becomes the actual document that I can use as my course syllabus. I think this is very practical and motivated me.
  • Discussing with peers and get feedback
  • Att den gick att passa in med övrig 100% aktivitet (inte helt enkelt, men det gick). Bra med lärare och gästföreläsare som visade på lite olika sätt att närma sig och införliva kursens stoff i sina kurser. Trevligt och lärorikt att diskutera med andra kursdeltagare. Många var erfarna lärare som hade bra synpunkter och kloka tankar.

What would you suggest to improve?

  • Show us already some completed samples at the beginning of the course. If we get know how the final product looks like, it is easier to work toward.
  • A more clear explanation of the assignment, if feels you must learn a lot more from the examples that from the sessions in the classroom.
  • En del grejer som togs upp var jag först ganska stark motståndare till. Det kändes krångligt och onödigt byråkratiserat utan att fördelarna var uppenbara för mig. Till stor del antar jag att det berodde på att det lades fram som väldigt olikt vad jag är van vid (alltså någon slags motstånd pga konservatism). Ett förslag är att på något sätt påpeka att detta kan upplevas annorlunda från tidigare system. Även ännu mer peka på hur detta kan vara till hjälp både för mig som lärare men också för studenterna. Som det är idag så läser de flesta studenter endast lärandemålen när de är missnöjda och vill försöka hitta något formellt att klaga på. Ni tog upp allt detta men det skulle inte vara onödigt att ytterligare trycka på det.
  • -Bra om man får peer-feedback skriftligt dagen innan möte.
    -Svårt att läsa rubrics i Canvas pga formatering. Använd textkommentar i stället?

What advice would you like to give to future participants?

  • I will strongly recommend to attend all the sessions not just learning about course syllabus but also opening yourself to the other department's people. You will learn quite a lot from them.
  • Check the course material before hand.
  • Börja knåda din kurs och släpp osäkerheten kring att det till synes kan bli väldigt stora (och därmed jobbiga) förändringar. Jag fastnade först i problemet att försöka passa in lärandemål och examination så jag skulle kunna ha kvar exakt samma kursmoment och struktur som innan. När jag släppte det och började jobba friare först så visade det sig sen att det inte var speciellt svårt att matcha mot redan befintlig kurs och endast ett antal mindre justeringar krävdes för att få det hela att gå ihop.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

  • Hybrid session was very difficult because all the people in the classroom need to shout in order to communicate with the people in the screen. It reduced the value of physical meetings.
  • Tack för kursen!

Actions taken following the previous course analysis

  • The first meeting has been extended 45 minutes, and the presentation by Hans Havtun has been moved from the second to the first meeting.
  • An extra voluntary meeting is inserted between meeting 2 and the final meeting where a course participant who submit a draft of assignment 2 can receive feedback both from peers and teachers.
  • The course memo can be found in the course room at the end of the Syllabus page.


The course has worked very well, and the course participants have performed excellently and have been satisfied. The changes introduced in the course worked well.

Changes for the next course offering

  • The course meetings will be conducted in person. Hybrid attendance will be offered only exceptionally and with lower quality for those not physically present.
  • Examples of assessment criteria from the previous course session will be presented at the beginning to give participants a better understanding of the final outcome.
  • FeedbackFruits will be used for peer feedback.