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How to become an exchange student

Each year KTH welcomes 1 000 exchange students from all over the world. Exchange studies normally entail studying a selection of courses, not leading to a KTH degree. However, students from some partner universities have the possibility of taking on double degree and dual master's studies at KTH. The university may also offer internships.

Who can become an exchange student?

To become an exchange student at KTH, you must be enrolled at a partner university with which KTH has an exchange agreement. To qualify, you must have completed at least two years of the educational programme at your home university, preferably more, with above-average grades. Students in architecture must have three years of completed studies.

As an exchange student in all subject areas except from architecture, you make an individual course selection and create your own study plan. KTH offers more than 1000 Master's level courses in English. Exchange students within architecture have a set study plan.

Courses for exchange students

Who can become a double degree student?

As a double degree student you are awarded a degree from KTH, as well as your home university after completed studies. In order to become a double degree student at KTH, you must be enrolled at a partner university with which KTH has a double degree agreement. Please contact the International office at your home institution to find out whether such an agreement exists. In order to qualify you must have completed at least three years of the educational programme at your home university, with grades above average. Application is done according to the same process as exchange studies.

Double degree exchange at KTH

Who can become a dual master student?

As a dual master student you are awarded a master degree from KTH, as well as your home university after completed studies. In order to become a dual master student at KTH, you must be enrolled at a partner university with which KTH has a dual master agreement. Please contact the International office at your home institution to find out whether such an agreement exists. Application is done according to the same process as exchange studies.

Dual master's degree exchange at KTH


KTH may offer internship placements for students from other universities. These students must first find a department willing to host them. The intern will not receive academic credits for the internship, and are not allowed to register for courses.

Internship at KTH