As a double degree exchange student in all subject areas you are admitted to the last years of a five-year Master of Science in Engineering programme at KTH. Students follow an individual study plan within a specialisation offering a wide choice of courses. After finishing their studies students are awarded a Master of Science in Engineering degree from KTH.
In order to become a double degree student at KTH, you must be enrolled at a partner university with which KTH has a double degree agreement. Please contact the International office at your home institution to find out whether such an agreement exists.
To be awarded the degree as a double degree student at the School of Architecture and the Built Environment you need:
An approved Learning agreement/Study plan. Any changes during your studies must be approved by the Director of Studies for the Degree Programme in Civil Engineering and Urban Management.
60 (or in a few cases 90) ECTS credits of courses on advanced level from one specialization within the Built Environment (the amount of credits depends on the double degree agreement with your home university).
One course in Theory and Methodology of Science is mandatory within the credits from one specialization.
30 ECTS credits Degree project on advanced level.
All double degree students need to follow a specialisation corresponding to a Master's programme at KTH. The following specialisations are available for the Degree Programme in Civil Engineering and Urban Management.
Real Estate and Construction Management
(Please contact the international coordinator at the School of Architecture and the Built Environment if you are interested in this specialisation.)
30 credit Degree project on advanced level (
All double degree students follow a specialisation within their Master of Science in Engineering corresponding to a Master's programme at KTH. The following specialisations are available for the Degree Programme in Computer Science.
To be awarded the degree as a double degree student at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science you need:
An approved Learning agreement/Study plan. Any changes during your studies must be approved by the programme director.
60 ECTS credits technical courses on advanced level.
The course “EX2221 The Sustainable XXX Engineer” (e.g. EH2221) , 1.5 credits, is mandatory within the 60 credits technical courses.
30 ECTS credits Degree project on advanced level.
Please note, students coming via the agreement with RWTH Aachen should follow a different study path. For more information, please contact your coordinator.
All double degree students follow a specialisation within their Master of Science in Engineering corresponding to a Master's programme at KTH. The following specialisations are available for the Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering.
To be awarded the degree as a double degree student at the School of Engineering Sciences you need:
An approved Learning agreement/Study plan. Any changes during your studies must be approved by the programme director.
60 ECTS credits technical courses on advanced level.
30 ECTS credit Degree project on advanced level.
Please note, some universities follow another study plan ( Technische Universität München Physics and Mathematics and Technische Universität Darmstadt).
All double degree students follow a specialisation within their Master of Science in Engineering corresponding to a Master's programme at KTH. The following specialisations are available for the Degree Programme in Engineering Physics.
Our double degree programme is currently available for nominated students from Technische Universität Darmstadt.
To be awarded the degree as a double degree student at the School of Industrial Engineering and Management you need:
An approved Learning agreement/Study plan. Any changes during your studies must be approved by the programme director.
Completed all mandatory courses in one of the available Master's programmes/profiles. The available Master's programmes include mandatory courses from 60 ECTS to 90 ECTS.
30 ECTS Degree project on advanced level.
All double degree students follow a Master's programme at KTH corresponding to their specialisation. Within the Master's programme the student is required to follow a specific profile. As a double degree student you will join the fourth year students for the last two years (four semesters) of the programme. During the fourth and final semester the student can choose to do the Master's thesis at KTH or go somewhere else and work with an organization/company/institute approved by the supervisor.
The following Master's programmes and respective profiles are currently available for the Degree Programme in Industrial Engineering and Management. Before selecting your profile, make sure to check the eligibility criteria.
To be awarded the degree as a double degree student at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science you need:
An approved Learning agreement/Study plan. Any changes during your studies must be approved by the Programme director.
60 ECTS credits technical courses on advanced level.
One course in Research Methodology and Scientific Writing is mandatory within the 60 ECTS credits of technical courses.
30 ECTS credit Degree project on advanced level.
All double degree students follow a specialisation within their Master of Science in Engineering corresponding to a Master's programme at KTH. The following specialisations are available for the Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology.
Our double degree programme is currently available for nominated students from Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia and Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers.
To be awarded the degree as a double degree student at the School of Industrial Engineering and Management you need:
An approved Learning agreement/Study plan. Any changes during your studies must be approved by the programme director.
Completed all mandatory courses in one of the available Master's programmes/profiles. The available Master's programmes include mandatory courses from 60 ECTS to 90 ECTS.
30 ECTS Degree project on advanced level.
All double degree students follow a Master's programme at KTH corresponding to their specialisation. Within the Master's programme the student is required to follow a specific profile. As a double degree student you will join the fourth year students for the last two years (four semesters) of the programme. During the fourth and final semester the student can choose to do the Master's thesis at KTH or go somewhere else and work with an organization/company/institute approved by the supervisor.
The following Master's programmes and respective profiles are currently available for the Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering. Before selecting your profile, make sure to check the eligibility criteria.
To be awarded the degree as a double degree student at the School of Engineering Sciences you need:
An approved Learning agreement/Study plan. Any changes during your studies must be approved by the programme director.
60 ECTS credits technical courses on advanced level.
30 ECTS credit Degree project on advanced level.
All double degree students follow a specialisation within their Master of Science in Engineering corresponding to a Master's programme at KTH. The following specialisations are available for the Degree Programme in Vehicle Engineering: