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Courses for Molecular Techniques in Life Science

The two-year master's programme in Molecular Techniques in Life Science consists of three terms of courses and one final term dedicated to the master's degree project. Each term consist of approximately 30 ECTS credits. The courses presented on this page apply to studies starting in autumn 2023.

Year 1

The first year includes advanced level courses in molecular genetics, translational medicine, molecular life science methods, and applied communication, as well as the foundations of biostatistics, programming, bioinformatics, and comparative genomics. Karolinska Institute (first semester) and Stockholm University (second semester) offer the courses during the first year.

Mandatory courses

Fall semester, courses organised by Karolinska Institute

Spring semester, courses organised by Stockholm University

Year 2

The courses during the first semester of the second year are offered by KTH. They contain two mandatory courses and three conditionally elective courses, of which the student should select two. During the second semester, the individual degree project is performed.

Mandatory courses