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Adrian Benigno Latupeirissa

Profile picture of Adrian Benigno Latupeirissa

About me

My main research interests are sound in interaction, interaction design, and human-robot interaction.

I obtained my PhD at the Division of Media Technology and Interaction Design (MID), School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) in 2024. I was part of the Sound and Music Computing research group, worked in the project SONAO to explore new methods for augmenting robot movements with sound.

In 2018 I completed Master study in Interactive Media Technology at KTH, exploring the intersection between physical interaction design and sound in interaction with a thesis in prototyping e-textile interface for music interaction.


Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, specializing in Interactive Media Technology, Second Cycle (DA232X), teacher | Course web

Human Perception for Information Technology (DM2350), teacher | Course web

Introduction to Media Technology (DM1581), teacher | Course web

Multimodal Interaction and Interfaces (DT2140), assistant | Course web

Musical Communication and Music Technology (DT2213), teacher | Course web

Sound in Interaction (DT2300), teacher | Course web

Profile picture of Adrian Benigno Latupeirissa