Ann Cornell
Applied Electrochemistry (KE2110), course responsible, teacher | Course web
Applied Electrochemistry (CK205V), course responsible | Course web
Applied Electrochemistry (FKE3140), examiner | Course web
Carbon dioxide neutral energy and transport system (CK2010), teacher | Course web
Chemical Engineering Principles (KE1080), teacher | Course web
Chemical Process Engineering (KE1175), teacher | Course web
Degree Project in Chemical Engineering and Technology, First Cycle (KH138X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Chemical Engineering, Second Cycle (KE200X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Engineering Chemistry, First Cycle (KA103X), assistant | Course web
Engineering Chemistry (KE1140), teacher | Course web
Engineering Chemistry (KE1150), teacher | Course web
Perspectives on Research and Innovation (KA1030), teacher | Course web
Perspectives on Research and Innovation (KA1040), teacher | Course web
Project in Chemical Engineering (KE2910), examiner | Course web
Project in Chemical Engineering (KE2905), examiner | Course web