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Catherine Trask

Profile picture of Catherine Trask





Researcher ID

About me

Catherine's professional training is in Occupational Hygiene at the University of British Columbia and before that Kinesiology at Simon Fraser University, both in Canada.  After a tour as a Guest Researcher at the Centrum för belastningsskadeforskning (CBF) at the University of Gävle, she spent a decade at the Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture at the University of Saskatchewan as a Professor and Canada Research Chair in Ergonomics and Musculoskeletal Health.

Her research experience includes occupational exposure assessment, injury epidemiology, and intervention evaluation.  Current research interests include the health effects of workplace discrimination, and adapting interventions to make ergonomics 'best practices' accessible to vulnerable or marginalized groups.

Primary teaching contributions include:

She also serves as the incoming Program Director for the Masters in Technology, Work and Health.


Advanced Measurements of Air Contaminants, Noise and Vibrations (CH2006), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web

Chemical and Microbiological Risk Management in the Work Environment (CH2014), examiner, teacher | Course web

Degree Project in Technology, Work and Health (HN205X), examiner | Course web

Degree Project in Technology, Work and Health (HN206X), examiner | Course web

Design of Ergonomic Products (CH203V), teacher | Course web

Design of Ergonomic Workplaces (CH206V), course responsible | Course web

Ergonomics for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders (HN2018), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web

Evaluation and Measures of the Acoustic Work Environment and Vibrations (CH2012), examiner, course responsible | Course web

Evaluation and Measures of the Physical Work Environment (CH2004), teacher | Course web

Introduction to Technology, Work and Health (CH2013), examiner, teacher | Course web

Occupational Safety and Health Management and Change (HN2015), teacher | Course web

Planning and Design of Physical Work Environments (HN2024), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web

RAMP Course 1: Assessment of Work-Related Injury Risks using RAMP I (CH209V), teacher | Course web

RAMP Course 2: Management of Work-Related Injury Risks using RAMP II (CH210V), teacher | Course web

RAMP Course 3: Proficiency in using RAMP for Risk Management of Work-Related Injuries (CH211V), teacher | Course web

Statistics for Medical Engineering (CM2018), teacher | Course web

System Safety and Risk Management (HN2022), teacher | Course web

Theory and Methodology of Science with Applications (Ergonomics) (HN2021), teacher | Course web

Work Environment Economics (HN2020), teacher | Course web