Veronika Ronnefalk
Associate professor
About me
Head of 1:st year
Architectural Technology 1 (A11TEB), teacher | Course web
Architecture Project 1:1 Assemblies, Geometries, Scales (A11P1B), course responsible | Course web
Architecture Project 1:2 Landscapes, Structures, Movements (A11P2B), course responsible | Course web
Architecture Project 1:3 Living, Working, Climates (A11P3B), examiner, course responsible | Course web
Degree Project in Architecture, Second Cycle (A52EXA), teacher | Course web
History and Theory of Architecture 1: Introduction to European Architecture (A11HIB), teacher | Course web
Introduction to Architectural Practices (A11IYA), teacher | Course web
Introduction to the Discipline of Architecture (A11IAA), teacher | Course web
Introductory Course (A11INA), examiner, course responsible | Course web