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C-Awards 2017

§IVIS17 students. C-Awards 2017 The Information Visualization students submitted their final projects for competition at the C-Awards 2017, to be help on May 4, 2017. Please, wish the students good luck.

Image Project Visualization of: Food Advisor Nutrition and environmental impact of food. Course Runner KTH course catalogue. Le Bon Nobel Le Bon Nobel The global history of the Nobel prize viewed by country, gender, area and compared against education, income, life expectancy and other development indices. Enviromind Enviromind World environmental impact and commerce of nations from 1960 to 2015. The views include CO2/capita, trade balance, and other macroeconomic factors. Wind Power Data Wind power predictions for commercial trade. Mesh 2.0 Medical bibliographic ontologies. Geo Visualization Prostate Cancer Demographic prostate cancer data. CAT CAT Cohort Analysis Tool (CAT) for prostate cancer data. Project in collaboration with Karolinska Institutet Department of Urology and Janssen Sweden. Zytig Individual patient prostate cancer data.