This post is from April 2015.
News 2015-04-02
- I have finished grading everything in IVIS15 and I have distribute your final individual grades through email. Please, check your email. Make sure there are no registration errors.
- I will send written feedback of project P4 next.
- I will send written feedback of your overall participation in IVIS15 after that.
- I remind you that the entries to the C-Awards are open until June 30. You have ample opportunity to improve your videos and 2-page documents. Please, ask for my help if you want me to contribute.
- I will send you a short survey on the use of social media and the C-Awards in a few days.
- You have received an email inviting you to fill a course evaluation survey. It is open until April 5 (Sunday). Only 23 have filled it. If you plan on submitting feedback, please complete it before the deadline. Thank you!