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Version skapad av Viktoria Fodor 2016-03-28 15:22

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Course material & Preparation

You need the followings to start the course. You can prepare and get a smooth start.

  • Course book:
    Nisan and Schocken, "The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles" , MIT Press.  The first chapters are available in full text here. The entire book is available through (Search for the book title.)
    It is possible to order the book at the larger Swedish online bookshops.
  • Software:
    You can download the software tools from: During the course you will use all the tools listed on the nand2tetris webpage.
  • Compilers:
    Some projects will be done in Python (and/or C). You need compilers for those. You can find compilers at
    You can find detailed information on how to install Python  on the DD1316 webpage:
  • Project work:
    Students will be divided into 4 seminar groups. Within a seminar group, you will solve and submit the projects individually.
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