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Kurser på avancerad nivå, matematik, läsåret 2011-2012

Fall 2011

Course Schedule Remark
Wavelets (SF2702, 6 cr)
Jan-Olov Strömberg
Room 3733
Course start: September 1, 13-15  
Topics in mathematics I: Lie Algebras (SF2704, 7.5 cr)
Jens Hoppe
Room 3733
Mondays and Thursdays at 3-5 PM
Course start: October 3
Integration Theory (SF2709, 7.5 cr)
Henrik Shahgholian
Room 3733, KTH
Mondays 1-3 PM
Course start: August 29
Foundations of Analysis (SF2713, 7.5cr)
Lars Svensson
Course start: August 31
Differential Geometry (SF2722, 7.5 cr)
Mattias Dahl
Room 3721, KTH
Mondays 10-12 AM
Course start: September 5
Analytic functions II (SF2734, 7.5 cr)
Sergei Merkulov
Room 306, SU
Tuesdays 9-11 AM
Course start: August 30
Homological Algebra and Algebraic Topology (SF2735, 7.5 cr)
Wojciech Chacholski, Torsten Ekedahl
Room 3733, KTH
Tuesdays 10-12 AM
Course start: August 30
Discrete mathematics (SF2736, 7.5cr)
Olof Heden
Course start: October 26
Partial Differential Equations (SF2739, 7.5 cr)
Pavel Kurasov
Room 306, SU
Tuesdays 1-3 PM and Thursdays at 9-11 AM
Course start: November 1
Graph Theory (SF2740, 7.5 cr)
Jörgen Backelin
Room 306, SU
Mondays 3-5 PM
Course start: September 5
Homogenization, oscillation and randomness in PDE and FBP
Henrik Shahgholian
Indepedent study
Course start: September 6,
Room 3721


  1. To avoid the collision with Homological Algebra and Algebraic Topology, the time may be changed to 8.30-10.15 AM as of September 6.
  2. To avoid the collision with Analytic Functions II, the time may be changed to 10.30 AM-12.15 PM as of September 6.
  3. The time may be changed to 12.15-2.00 PM or 1.00-2.45 PM as of September 5.
  4. To avoid the collision with Lie Algebras, the time may be changed.

The courses indicated by (*) in the course schedules will be taught both at the master's level and at the graduate level (avancerad nivå (C/D) and forskarnivå).

A general principle is that the lectures will be the same, but that the examination will be different. For a student, to pass the course on the graduate level, more will be required; the exact requirements will be decided by the teacher.

  • The standard situation is that master's students take such a course on the master's level and graduate students take it on the graduate level.
  • A graduate student can take a course outside his or her (broad) area of research on the advanced level. To obtain a passing grade, the student's results should be on a level equivalent to grade A or B for a master's student.
  • A master's student can take a course on the graduate level. The _only_ benefit of this is that the course can later, during graduate studies, be counted as a graduate course. Of course, it can then not be counted towards the master's exam.
  • It is not possible to pass the same course on two different levels.
  • The teachers will be required to clearly state the exact requirements for passing the course on each of the two levels.

Spring 2012

Course Schedule Remark
Fourier Analysis (SF2705, 7.5 cr)
Håkan Hedenmalm
Room 3721, KTH
Thursdays 1-3 PM and
Fridays 3-5 PM
Course start: February 2
Topics in mathematics II: Applied and Industrial Mathematics (SF2716, 7.5 cr)
Henrik Shahgholian
Room 3733, KTH
Mondays 1-3 PM
Course start: February 6
Mathematics, Advanced Course (SF2717, 6 cr)
Lars Svensson
Course start: January 16
The History of Mathematics (SF2719, 6 cr)
Jockum Aniansson
Course start: March 19
Number Theory (SF2728, 7.5 cr)
Sergei Merkulov
Room 306, SU
Wednesdays 9-11 AM
Course start: February 1
Groups and Rings (SF2729, 7.5 cr)
Carel Faber
Wojciech Chacholski
Course start: January 16
Representation Theory of Finite and Compact groups (SF2738, 7.5 cr)
Sergei Merkulov
Room 306, SU
Thursdays 9-11 AM
Course start: January 26
Enumerative Combinatorics (SF2741, 7.5 cr)
Petter Brändén
Room 3733, KTH
Course start: January 19, 1-3 PM  
Henrik Shahgholian
Independent study
Course start: February
Computability and constructive mathematics
Erik Palmgren
Room 306, SU
Mondays 10-12 AM
Course start: January 30

Courses marked with * are offered both as advanced level courses and as graduate level courses. More information will be announced later.