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KTH selected for 2015 T-ASE Best Paper Award

Published Aug 10, 2016

At the annual CASE conference, a team from KTH will receive the 2015 Googol T-ASE Award for best application paper. The event will take place in Dallas, United States, this August.

Afrooz Ebadat

With their paper Regularized Deconvolution-Based Approaches for Estimating Room Occupancies, the KTH team has been selected for the 2015 Googol T-ASE Best Application Paper Award among with two other papers.

Read more about T-ASE

The KTH team consist of five researchers, four of them from the Department of Automatic control at the School of Electrical Engineering:

The award ceremony will take place in Dallas, United States, between the 21st and 24th of August.

Read about the event