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Studies within Decision and Control Systems

We offer courses in basic and advanced control, modeling and learning of dynamical systems, nonlinear control, hybrid and embedded systems, model predictive control, machine learning theory, reinforcement learning and a project course in control.

Programmes and courses

The division is involved in the 5-year Master of Science Program in Electrical Engineering and the Master Program in Systems, Control and Robotics, but also offers courses within a large number of other programs at KTH.


The division is involved in the following programmes:

Master Programme in System, Control and Robotics

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (information in Swedish)


The division gives the following courses for bachelor and master students:

Course leaflet (pdf 1.6 MB)  describing all our Master level courses.

Master degree projects

About 35 students complete their Masters' Degree Project at the division each year. A Masters' Degree Projects can be performed in collaboration with a company or some governmental institution, at a university abroad, or within the division. Administration of Master Degree Projects are organized by the EECS school; see the course homepage  for details. If you are interested in performing your master thesis at the division, please contact:

Available projects

Rules for MSc Projects