Mats Magnusson
Challenge Driven Innovation for Sustainable Development (MF2089), teacher | Course web
Degree Project in Innovation Management and Product Development, Second Cycle (MF220X), teacher | Course web
Degree Project in Innovation Management and Product Development, Second Cycle (MF230X), teacher | Course web
Design and Product Realization Methodology (MF1040), teacher | Course web
Doctoral Supervision (LH207V), teacher | Course web
Doctoral Supervision (LH207U), teacher | Course web
Innovation Management (FMF3033), examiner | Course web
Innovation Management - Theory and Practice (MF2087), teacher | Course web
Innovation and Product Development (MF2088), teacher | Course web
Introduction to research studies at the ITM School (FLF3019), examiner | Course web
Managing Research and Development (MF2084), examiner, teacher | Course web
Product Innovation (MF2046), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web