Per Berglund
Om mig
I am the Deputy Head of the Department of Industrial Biotechnology, KTH, where I do research and teaching. Our department is one of eight departments at the School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health.
Field of Research & Teaching
Our research addresses the main global challenge to ultimately achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. Our research field, calledBiocatalysis, can contribute to solve several of the 17 global sustainable development goals. For this,Biocatalysis uses tools and principles from Nature to provide bio-based environmentally smart production systems.Biocatalysis involves engineering of enzymes and processes for sustainable synthesis of high-value chemical products. In our research, we combine enzymology, protein engineering,in silicomolecular modelling and green organic chemistry to tailor enzymes for industrial conditions.
I am the Program Director of the Master's Program Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology (TIMBM,, I teach fundamental Biochemistry courses and I am teaching Biocatalysis for PhD students and a life-long learning biocatalysis course for industrial professionals.
For more information about the priority area Sustainable development at KTH, click here.
Biokatalys (BB2460), examinator, kursansvarig, lärare | Kurswebb
Biokatalys för forskarstuderande (FCB3203), examinator, kursansvarig, lärare | Kurswebb
Biokatalys för yrkesverksamma (CB201V), examinator, kursansvarig | Kurswebb
Biokemi 1 (BB1150), examinator, kursansvarig, lärare | Kurswebb
Biokemi 2 (BB1230), examinator | Kurswebb
Bioteknik (BB1050), examinator, kursansvarig, lärare | Kurswebb
Examensarbete inom bioteknik, grundnivå (BB103X), lärare | Kurswebb
Examensarbete inom kemi, avancerad nivå (KD200X), examinator | Kurswebb
Molekylär enzymologi (BB2020), examinator | Kurswebb
Molekylär enzymologi för forskarstuderande (FCB3207), examinator | Kurswebb
Projektarbete i bioteknik (BB2200), examinator | Kurswebb
Projektarbete i bioteknik (BB2220), examinator