Viggo Kann
HT 2014 prosamm14
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If you are not registered, see Course PM for DD2300 or contact your student office or study counsellor.
In the News feed, you find updates for pages, schedule and posts from teachers (when aimed also at earlier registered students).
This will be a seminar by developers from Google. More information soon!
Föreläsning från Google
How to pass the Google code interview How does the technical interview process work at Google (and other similar companies)? What are they looking for in candidates? What common mistakes do people make at interviews? What makes an interview question good or bad? What is a good interview? In this talk, Olof and Johan from Google explains the technical interview process and what you can do to prepare for it.¶
Speakers: Johan Wikström, Software engineer, and Olof Lindholm, Teach lead.¶
The talk will start at 15:15 and last about 60 minutes. Then there will be a question answering session. ¶
This is a non-compulsory activity of the prosamm course.¶
Hej. Are the slides available for download? Thank you.
Sorry Alain, the Google speakers did not make the slides available for download.
I explicitly asked KTH Social to send notifications to everyone, when I published the seminar page on February 1. Obviously this did not work for everyone. Therefore I extend the deadline until tomorrow, Friday February 12, at 13:00.
I would like to know how many persons who did not get any notification. Please send an empty email to with the subject line "No prosamm14 notification" if you did NOT receive any notification about the seminar on February 1. Then I will contact the IT-service to assure that this problem will not occur again.
I got the e-mail but I completely missed it (but I still reminded myself that the next seminar should probably take place very soon and found this page in time).
This is my mail I got which I found after I searched for it. It's easy to ignore/forget about since it looks exactly like all other emails you get from KTH Social. "[KTH Social] 2 notifications the latest minutes" as a topic is not really that explanatory or catching for an important deadline. A personal email (although sent to everybody) like you have done before is much better. At least if it was possible to include some subject and/or text in the KTH Social massmails to get the students attentions...
Hänt inom dina prenumerationer i Kurs-, Program och Gruppwebbarna
Programsammanhållande kurs i datalogi (DD2300) Sida "7. International opportunities and contexts" har skapats av Viggo Kann nyss Du får det här mailet för att du valt att få: direktnotifiering för prenumerationerna ovan samt valt direktnotifiering via e-post. Avsluta din prenumeration eller ändra dina inställningar för notifiering i Mina inställningar i prenumerationer HT 2014 prosamm14 Sida "7. International opportunities and contexts" har flyttats hit från Programsammanhållande kurs i datalogi (DD2300) av Viggo Kann nyss Du får det här mailet för att du valt att få: direktnotifiering för prenumerationerna ovan samt valt direktnotifiering via e-post. Avsluta din prenumeration eller ändra dina inställningar för notifiering i Mina inställningar i prenumerationer |
I am a bit unsure as to what group I am in for this spring. On rapp I get group 28 but I believe that was for the spring of 2015. My track is "programsyst individ." Where should I upload my reflection?
Look up your new group number in Rapp (under Group number, spring). Many students (for example you, Alexander) have the same group number as last spring.
Ah ok!
So it is updated then :-) Thank you!
Hi, would it be possible to post a list of which students are going to what study visit? That way we might be able to organize ourselves regarding transportation/questions to ask.
It is not allowed to post the lists. The contact person of each group has got/will get a list of the students of the study visit (from Björn Thuresson) and should mail them immediately.
Ok then I know, thank you for the lightning fast answer!
Hi, when should I start getting worried about not having gotten an email yet?
Hi, so I signed up to visit ICT, and wrote down 26 nov in my calendar. But I'm assuming I made a mistake, since ICT only is on the 19th according to this list.
In that case, shouldn't I have gotten an email by now?
Resolved. There is a study visit for ICT on 26 nov. We'll be getting emails soon!
I've started to send out information for the visits on the 26th and Louise, you'll get the info tomorrow (Friday) afternoon.
Hi! I can't find the following information:
Where/when can we get the reflection assignments?
Where/how do we hand them in?
How do we know which mentor group we are in?
Will the assignment for the next seminar be published soon?
Hej Carl-Johan!
The last study visit will be December 3, and a few days before that the next seminar will be published. About November 30.
We were looking for the lists for applying to the company study visits (to be announced today at 10) but could not find them. Are they up yet, and will they be in the same place as last year?
Isak, the lists will be posted next week, due to circumstances beyond my control. See the news feed.
Torsdag 310 september 2015 kl 156:00 - 17:00
FöreläsningLecture, only second year students of the master's program
Introduction to the second year.¶
OnTisdag 221 april 2015 kl 09:00 - 10:00
Information about the second year
Information about the second year, the elective courses and the degree project.¶
Så vad handlar det här om?