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8. Education in retrospect and life-long learning

The education in retrospect and life-long learning, reflection seminar in May 2016

In this seminar you will reflect on your whole education at KTH and on life-long learning.

Preparations for the reflection

The written reflection

Write a reflection document where you address the following points based on your preparations and your experience and expectations. The document should be 500-600 words.

  • In this question you should choose to reflect either on the master's program or the master of science in engineering program (and state your choice).
    Choose one objective from the qualitative targets for each of the sections Knowledge and understandingCompetence and skills and Judgement and approach. Reflect, for each of these objectives, on your own development with respect to the objective during your studies at KTH, how well you presently fulfill the objective, and which courses in your education that contributed most in order to help you fulfill the objective.
  • Reflect on something that has been particularly good or useful in your education, and explain why.
  • Could you suggest some improvements of the KTH education that you soon (or in a year) will have completed?
  • Will you be a fully qualified computer scientist when leaving KTH? How do you plan to carry out your life-long learning during the next 30 years?

Hand in the reflection, read the group members' reflections and comment on them

Your written reflection must be handed in before May 4, 2016, at 13.00. Maybe you should once again look at the short video showing how to upload the document to Google DriveYou should start the document by stating your name followed by prosamm15 or prosamm14 (depending on whether you study the first or second year of the master's program). The link to the document should be put in a file with your name in the directory
where X is your (spring) group's number (check in Rapp if you forgot). In some cases there seems to be necessary to write /afs/nada.kth.se/misc before the file path above.

You have to comment on at least six other group members' reflection documents using the Google Document comment functionality (Comment in the Insert menu) before May 9, at 13.00. You may choose which six group members you like, as long as there are at least two from year 1 (prosamm15) and two from year 2 (prosamm14) among them. You also have to comment on a comment in your own document (if there is any).

Fill in the evaluation questionnaire that will be emailed to you

In a few days you will get an email with a link to the questionnaire. The questions are about some different aspects of your education in retrospect, such as the use of subject-specific terminology, your perceptions of the program integrating course, and, for second year students, an evaluation of your education. The questionnaire, which is mandatory and anonymous, should be filled in before May 13, at 23.59. 

Participate actively in the seminar

Find your group number in the table below and lookup when and where your seminar is. The seminar is about 50 minutes, and it is important to be on time. Notice the starting times! Instructions on how to find the rooms can be found in the menu to the left.

Time 1535 1537 4523 1625 523-Cvap F0-TMH Fantum
May 10, 8.10-9.00 28 30 34 24 38
May 10, 9.10-10.00 22 29 33 23 32
May 12, 15.10-16.00 27 26 31 37 36
May 12, 16.10-17.00 21 25 35

What if you cannot participate in the seminar?

Instructions on how to do if you study abroad or of some reason cannot participate in the seminar can be found on the general seminars webpage.

Completed course?

After completing this seminar's four mandatory activities (written reflection, comments, seminar participation and questionnaire) you might have completed the course. The results of the activities will be reported by your mentor in Rapp not later than a week after the seminar. The course component UPP2 and the final grade will then be reported in Rapp within another week and then appear in Ladok within another week. Please check that all your results for earlier seminars are reported in Rapp (G in the fields hand-in, comments and participation for each seminar). If you have missed to do something you need to follow the instructions on the general seminars webpage. If your mentor missed to report something, please contact him as soon as possible. Remember that you had different mentors in the fall and in the spring.

Teacher Viggo Kann created page 21 April 2016

commented 1 May 2016

I have received a link to "take part in  EUROSTUDENT VI – a survey of the conditions for students in higher education". Is this the questionnaire mentioned here? Or will you publish another link? Thank you.

commented 1 May 2016

Good question, I deleted that email thinking it was spam.

Teacher commented 2 May 2016

The EUROSTUDENT VI survey is NOT the prosamm questionnaire. Today you should have got the e-mail with the link to the (correct) prosamm questionnaire.


commented 9 May 2016

Regarding results in the course, I seem to be missing the "G" for comments on a previous seminar, which I find incorrect. What do I do?

Teacher commented 9 May 2016

Isak, just contact your mentor.

commented 9 May 2016

Apologies - who's the mentor? Is that the person leading the group discussions for the course? In that case, must it be the one having reported for a given seminar, or does the current one work?

commented 9 May 2016

@Viggo, I sent you an e-mail about not being able to partake at my assigned seminar (Thursday) and wanting to re-schedule to Tuesday. Haven't heard anything though and soon it's Tuesday...

Teacher commented 9 May 2016

Isak, the mentors are listed on the web page Mentors and groups. You should contact the mentor that missed to report the group discussion.

Mikael, you should have received an email answer now. (Today is the first working day since you sent your email. Please be earlier in the future.)