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3. Getting specialized knowledge

Getting specialized knowledge in certain areas of the field: the track and the degree project, reflection seminar in February 2015

A master of computer science should have specialized knowledge in certain areas of the field. In the Computer Science program your are expected to get this through the track and the degree project. In this seminar you will learn more about what is required and reflect on your own specialization.

From now on there will be new groups, where the division is based on the choice of track.  Look up your new group number in Rapp (under Group number, spring). The new numbers are between 21 and 38. You can find out who is the mentor of your group on the Mentors and groups page in the menu to the left.

Preparations for the reflection

  • Read the following three qualitative targets (examensmål), common for all two-years master's programs in Sweden:
    For a Degree of Master (120 credits) the student shall
    • demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the main field of study, including both broad knowledge of the field and a considerable degree of specialised knowledge in certain areas of the field as well as insight into current research and development work
    • demonstrate specialised methodological knowledge in the main field of study
    • demonstrate the skills required for participation in research and development work or autonomous employment in some other qualified capacity.
  • Read the course descriptions of the courses that are included in the track that you have chosen. If you haven't chosen any track yet you should choose a reasonable track for this seminar. If you study the individual track, look at the courses that are included in your track. You find the courses in the course and program catalogue. Look here if you started the Master's program in 2014 and here if you started in 2013. Then look for the courses underÅrskurs 1/Study year 1 and Årskurs 2/Study year 2 in the menu to the left.
  • Read about the degree project (exjobb). The information exists in parallel in Swedish andEnglish. Read at least the general description and What is a degree project (Vad är ett examensarbete). If you have already started your degree project you should read Krav på vetenskaplighet and Litteraturstudier as well.

The written reflection

Write a reflection document where you address the following points based on your preparations and your experience and expectations. The document should be 500-600 words.

  • What did you base your choice of specialization on?
  • Which courses have you taken/do you plan to take in your track? Refer to this when answering the following questions.
  • How do you interprete "specialized methodological knowledge" in your area of specialization?
  • Is scientific methodology relevant if you are not planning for a career as a researcher?
  • How narrow do you think your specialization needs to be in order to give you sufficient depth?

Hand in the reflection, read the group members' reflections and comment on them

Your written reflection must be handed in before February 12, 2015, at 24.00. Maybe you should once again look at the short video showing how to upload the document to Google Drive. The link to the document should be put in a file with your name in the directory
where X is your new group's number (check in Rapp!).

You have to comment on all the other group members' reflection documents using the Google Drive comment functionality (Comment in the Insert menu) before February 16, at 12.00.

Participate actively in the seminar

Find your group number in the table below and lookup when and where your seminar is. The seminar is about 50 minutes, and it is important to be on time. Notice the starting times! Instructions on how to find the rooms can be found in the menu to the left.

Time 1537 4523 1625 523-Cvap F0-TMH
February 17, 8.10-9.00 27 29 31 35
February 17, 9.10-10.00 21 30 37 33 23
February 19, 15.10-16.00 25 36 32 22
February 19, 16.10-17.00 26 28 24 34 38

What if you cannot participate in the seminar?

Instructions on how to do if you study abroad or of some reason cannot participate in the seminar can be found on the general seminars webpage.

Teacher Viggo Kann created page 2 February 2015

commented 4 February 2015

Im unable to log in to rapp to check my group number. Anyone else having this problem?

commented 5 February 2015

I manage to log in to rapp but I can't find my group number...

Teacher commented 5 February 2015

Maja, you will find your new group number in Rapp by clicking Resultat followed by DD2300 Programsammanhållande kurs i datalogi and then reading the line with the title Group number, spring.

commented 11 February 2015

Jag läser sidan "Vad är ett examensarbete?" och hittar "En slutförd 7,5hp-kurs i vetenskapsteori och forskningsmetodik är obligatorisk innan examensarbetet inleds."

Men vår "vettig"-kurs är bara på 6hp. Hur är det tänkt här? Dessutom verkar den engelska sidan inte ta upp detta och den innehåller generellt sett aningen mindre information än den svenska...

Teacher commented 12 February 2015

Tack för att du upptäckte denna miss, Emil. GA har ny korrigerat informationen. Naturligtvis går det bra med vettigkursen som är 6 poäng också. GA vill gärna veta om det finns andra missar eller oklarheter på sidorna, både dom svenska och engelska. Just nu innehåller dom engelska sidorna mindre information än dom svenska. Kommentera gärna här eller på sidorna direkt om du upptäcker något.

commented 12 February 2015

Hi, I just want to upload the reflection, while it shows I didn't get the permission to the group folder, actually it shows I didn't have the permission to any group folder. How can I solve this?  Tack!

Teacher commented 12 February 2015

Guisong Fu, you have permisson to your group folder /info/prosamm14/seminars-1415/period-3/group-23

In the end of the video you can see how to put the URL in the folder. You might need to give the Unix command kinit to activate your AFS permissions.

commented 12 February 2015

Thanks for your guide! It was my fault. I entered the wrong folder which is extremely similar "prosam14"(only one "m", the correct folder should have two "m"). 

By the way, How can I do this remotely by using my own computer? I use the command "ssh u-shell.csc.kth.se", while it just requires the password without the user name. And my KTH password didn't work. How can I solve this?


Teacher commented 12 February 2015

ssh guisong@u-shell.csc.kth.se

(if your KTH user name is guisong), then your ordinary CSC password should work.

One user removed his/her comment
commented 12 February 2015

Hej Viggo.

Om du vill ha fler oklarheter/felaktigheter har jag en till här under https://www.kth.se/student/kurser/program/TCSCM/HT14/kurslista:

"Kompletterande information

Studenten ska under vårterminen i årskurs 1 och höstterminen i årskurs 2 välja sammanlagt 30 hp kurser inom spåret. Därutöver ska studenten under vårterminen i åk 1 eller höstterminen i åk 2 välja en teknikkomplementär kurs. Övriga kurser är valfria."

Dock så stämmer inte det längre, enligt studievägledaren.

En annan kanske mer teknisk sak jag lade märke till är att På svenska och In English-knapparna under sidorna du länkade till, https://www.kth.se/social/group/examensarbete-vid-cs/page/subtest/ t.ex., inte tar en till sidan på det andra språket utan bara byter språk på det runt omkring. På övriga sidor brukar det dock fungera.