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1. The master's program

The computer science master's program - intended learning outcomes and contents, reflection seminar in September 2014

Preparations for the reflection

The written reflection

Write a reflection document based on reading above and the following questions. The document should be 500-600 words, not counting quotations of learning outcomes.

  • Why do these intended learning outcomes exist?  Who has an interest?
  • Is Computer Science special as a field of academic study?
  • Find one or two of the Master's degree learning outcomes that you think could be more clearly addressed in the courses you are currently taking.  If possible, be specific about which courses and how.
  • We have plans to change the "track" structure by replacing the current pools of courses with smaller (15 hp) blocks consisting of one theory and one project course, both tightly connected to a local research group.  The students would then have to take two such blocks as their 30 hp specialization.  Do you think this may change future students' chances to get "considerable degree of specialised knowledge in certain areas of the field as well as insight into current research and development work"? Can you think of any other consequences?
  • Only first year students (prosamm14): Are you planning to change your study technique in some way this year?
  • Only second year students (prosamm13): Do you have any advice to the students now starting the program regarding study technique in the first year courses?

Hand in the reflection, read the group members' reflections and comment on them

Your written reflection must be handed in before September 11, at 24.00. There is a video showing how to upload the document to Google Drive. The link to the document should be put in a file with your name in the directory
where X is your group's number.

You have to comment on all the other group members' reflection documents using the Google Drive comment functionality (Comment in the Insert menu) before September 15, at 12.00.

Participate actively in the seminar

Find your group number in the table below and lookup when and where your seminar is. The seminar is about 50 minutes, and it is important to be on time. Notice the odd starting times (8.10 and 9.10)! Instructions on how to find the rooms can be found in the menu to the left.

Time 1537 4523 1625 523 Fantum F0
September 16, 8.10-9.00 7 9 1
September 16, 9.10-10.00 17 5 13 11 3
September 23, 8.10-9.00 8 10 14 15 4
September 23, 9.10-10.00 18 6 12 16 2

Teacher Viggo Kann created page 6 September 2014

commented 8 September 2014

Hi, a couple of questions:

Is /afs/nada.kth.se/misc/info/nyakurser/DD2300/prosamm14 the correct path to where to upload the reflections (have the group folders just not been created yet)?

Since we should comment using Google Drive, does this mean we must write our reflections in Google Docs (I don't think it's possible to comment on uploaded PDFs in Drive)?


Teacher commented 8 September 2014

The group folders will be created soon. Detailed information will be posted here. The reflections should be posted in the Google Docs format, but it is easy to copy and paste from whichever format you choose to write it in.

commented 9 September 2014


Is there a host on which I can login with SSH using my KTH account and get read/write access to the group folder? From my computer I get: 

$ cd group-4/
-bash: cd: group-4/: Permission denied

Thank you. 

Teacher commented 9 September 2014

Use u-shell.csc.kth.sefor remote login.

In order to get your AFS credentials you may need to give the command kinit, see


commented 9 September 2014

Thank you for your help. I was successfully able to access the directory. 

commented 9 September 2014

I claim Google docs is not compatible with PUL (the Swedish law about personal information) in this use since:

KTH is a public university and its uses of personal information is regulated in PUL.

Every piece of information that directly or indirectly can be associated with a physical living person is regarded as personal information according to PUL.

In order for public authorities to be able to provide personal information to third part, some criteria need to be filled e.g. consider the risk for personal information to be used in other purposes than the intentional.

Google account and associated services abide to google's privacy policy, where it is stated that they may collect information and even combine personal information they collect and use it for directed advertisements among other things. 

Teacher commented 10 September 2014

Daniel, it is not mandatory to submit the reflections using Google Drive in prosamm. I have now added an answer to the question What if you don't want to share your reflections with Google Drive? to the general seminar instructions

commented 12 September 2014

I saw this just now, past deadline. But my seminar is far away, September 23 - must I write the double length essay or could I hand in a normal one today?

Teacher commented 12 September 2014

Isak, the third learning goal of the course is "plan and carry out assignments within stipulated time". Furthermore, it would be unfair to the rest if the rules would not apply to everyone. Therefore you need to write a double length essay.

commented 12 September 2014

Well said. I shall do so :)

commented 12 September 2014

Now, I have written my 1000 words and uploaded to Google Drive. However, the nice video didn't really make me understand the last step of uploading the link. Do I have to access a computer on Campus to do this step, or can I do it from home, where I am currently trying to cure my cold?

Teacher commented 12 September 2014

Please look at http://www.kth.se/en/csc/it-support-csc/environment/remote/remote-1.70565 to see how to access u-shell from outside KTH.

commented 15 September 2014

Är vi indelade i undergrupper på något vis?

Verkar vara fler som lämnat in i tid än som gick att kommentera på i mappen.

commented 15 September 2014

Om man inte kan kommentera på google-docs-dokumenten har skribenten glömt att sätta på att alla som har länken kan kommentera.

När du är inne i mappen /info/prosamm14/.../grupp-X så kan du skriva "fs la" för att lista vilka personer som är med i gruppen.