Detailed schedule
Detailed schedule for prosamm14 (students starting the Computer science master's program in 2014)
This course will run for two full years. It consists of one reflection seminar each period and two study visits to different IT companies.
Academic year 2014/2015
Look in the submenu to the left.
Academic year 2015/2016
Period 1, 2015
Lecture September 10, 16.15-17.00 in room E3
Introduction to the second year of the master's program.
Reflection seminar 5 September 22, 8.10-10.00 or September 24, 15.10-17.00 (different times and rooms for different groups)
Topic: The computer science master's program revisited.
The specification of the assignment will be published September 8 on the course web.
Your written reflection must be handed in before 24.00 on September 17.
D-dagen October 1, Career fair in the E building square
Career fair during the whole day until 16.00. An opportunity to talk to IT company representatives.
Period 2, 2015
Information November 12, 15.15-17.00 in room D2
Information about the degree project (exjobb).
Study visit 2 in November or December
October 22 at 10.00 the lists where you sign up to an IT company to visit will be posted.
November 2 at 15.00 is the last day for signing up to the study visit.
Between November 5 and December 3 the study visit will take place.
Reflection seminar 6 December 15, 8.10-10.00 or December 17, 15.10-17.00 (different times and rooms for different groups)
Topic: The study visit.
Period 3, 2016
Reflection seminar 7 February 16, 8.10-10.00, or February 18, 15.10-17.00 (different times and rooms for different groups)
Topic: International opportunities and contexts.
The specification of the assignment will be published February 1 on the course web.
Your written reflection must be handed in before 13.00 on February 11.
Period 4, 2016
Program meeting (programkollegium) of the Master of science in engineering program, March 31 15.15-17.00 in room E1
(only for students of the D-program)
Varje teknolog och lärare är välkommen att diskutera programmets nutid och framtid.
Reflection seminar 8 May 10, 8.10-10.00, or May 12, 15.10-17.00
Topic: The education in retrospect and life-long learning.
The specification of the assignment will be published April 22 on the course web.
Your written reflection must be handed in before 13.00 on May 4.