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Your personal pages

The personal pages gives you an overview of:

  • Subscriptions. A collection of all activities in your courses, programmes or groups. Students automatically get a subscription to courses they are admitted to. By default subscribers get an e-mail notification when someone writes something, e.g. a post, on courses, programmes or groups. Settings for e-mail notifications can be edited.
  • Calendar. Consists of the schedule from your courses or calendar events from your groups or programmes. However, on your subscription settings page you can choose if these events should appear automatically in your calendar or not. You can also export your personal calendar and view these events in another calendar programme.
  • My profile.  Is shown to other persons that have clicked on your name. Here you can write a brief presentation of yourself, upload a photo (so others can see who you are), publish links, and any other portfolio material you´d like. Tip, make sure you have set the visibility that you'd like on your profile, by clicking "Edit my profile" on your profile page.
  • Journal. A private page that can be used for your personal notes on your studies or courses.

You access your personal page by either clicking on your name in the toolbar or on your picture in the upper right hand corner.

Administratör Catharina Gottberg skapade sidan 9 juli 2012

Administratör Anna Uleander ändrade rättigheterna 9 juli 2012

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