Courses for Railway Engineering
The two-year master's programme in Railway Engineering consists of three terms of courses and one final term dedicated to the master's degree project. Each term consist of approximately 30 ECTS credits. The courses presented on this page apply to studies starting in autumn 2024.
Year 1
Mandatory courses + conditionally elective courses = at least 44,5 ECTS credits.
Conditionally Elective courses studied online at UIUC the first year. *Among CEE408 and CEE472 at least one course has to be studied.
*CEE408 Railroad Transportation Engineering, 8 ECTS credits (Autumn Term, p1-p2)
*CE472 Stuctural Dynamics I, 8 ECTS credits (Autumn Term, p1-p2)
CEE410 Railway Signalling and Control, 7,5 ECTS credits (Spring Term, p3-p4)
Mandatory courses
- Theory and Methodology of Science (Natural and Technological Science) (AK2030) 4.5 credits
- Electric Traction (EJ2400) 6.0 credits
- Sustainable development and research methodology in engineering mechanics (SA2002) 3.0 credits
- Rail Vehicle Technology (SD2307) 7.5 credits
- Rail Vehicle Dynamics (SD2313) 8.0 credits
Conditionally elective courses
- Bridge Design (AF2201) 7.5 credits
- Railway Signalling System (AH2029) 7.5 credits
- Public Transport (AH2173) 7.5 credits
- Transport Policy and Evaluation (AH2301) 7.5 credits
- Applied Vehicle Dynamics Control (SD2231) 7.5 credits
- Challenge-based Railway Systems Design (SD2320) 7.5 credits
- Vehicle Aerodynamics (SG2211) 6.0 credits
Year 2
Autumn semester year 2 is studied at UIUC (exchange semester).
Compulsory course
CEE412 High-Speed Rail Engineering, 7,5 ECTS credits
Compulsary course given at UIUC online:
CEE409 Railway Track Engineering, 8 ECTS (autumn term, p1-p2)
Conditionally elective courses. At least 22,5 cr has to be studied.
CEE408 Railway Transportation Engineering, 8 ECTS credits
CEE498 High-Speed Rail Planning, 7,5 ECTS credits
CEE509 Transportation Soils, 8 ECTS credits
CEE472 Structural Dynamics I, 7,5 ECTS credits
CEE491 Decision and Risk Analysis, 7,5 ECTS credits
CEE512 Logistics, 10 ECTS credits
CEE598 Railway Terminal Design and Operations, 10 ECTS credits
CEE491 Concrete Materials, 10 ECTS credits
Some courses have 7,5 ECTS credits and 10 ECTS credits versions for increased flexibility.
Available courses can change depending on the year of studies.
The final curriculum is agreed with the faculty at UIUC.