Elizabeth Keller
About me
Elizabeth is currently teaching a pedagogical course for Ph.D. students (who act as graduate teaching assistants) at KTH. Previously, she taught English for Specific Purposes and Portuguese as a second language for a number of years in three countries. Her present position at the Department of Learning in Engineering Sciences has provided her with opportunities to become involved in areas related to academic development. In addition to academic responsibilities (Unit Learning in STEM), she acts as administrative support to continuing education courses (lifelong learning) at the Unit Digital Learning.
Together with European partner universities, Elizabeth has been involved in designing a programme for multicultural and multilingual competencies for staff, and has been involved in a SEED project to disseminate knowledge of Open Educational Resources (OER).
Her involvement in grassroots initiatives includes topics such as learning in higher education, open educational resources, internationalisation, curriculum agility, integration of sustainable development in teaching, digitalisation in higher education, communities of practice, and language policy. For example, her interest in intercultural communication led to her involvement in the early process of approval of KTH's Certificate of Global Competence. She is especially interested in topics that concern the development of young academic staff within Engineering Education.
Elizabeth coordinates the KTH Enhancing Higher Education programme. She has been involved in EU projects - UNITE! (the University Network for Innovation, and Technology and Engineering), IDOCOS (Innovative Doctoral Courses for Sustainability), and Nordic Engineering Hub (NordEnHub). She was also involved in the early stages of a SIDA-Bolivia project.
Applied Behavioral Science and Learning: Nudging and Decision Making (LD1008), teacher, assistant | Course web
Applied Behavioral Science and Learning: The Science of Sleep (LD1009), examiner, teacher, assistant | Course web
Applied Cognitive Psychology: The Science of Learning (LD1026), examiner | Course web
Basic Communication and Teaching (FLH3000), course responsible, teacher | Course web
Classroom Psychology: Cognitive Psychology and Learning (LD1001), teacher, assistant | Course web
Cognitive Psychology for Teachers: Mathematics (LD1006), teacher, assistant | Course web
Cognitive Psychology for Teachers: Special Education (LD1024), assistant | Course web
Digital Presentations and Video in Teaching (LD1005), examiner, assistant, teacher | Course web
Digital transformation and Sustainable Development (LD1010), examiner, assistant | Course web
Environmental Psychology and behavior analysis (LD1002), teacher, assistant | Course web
Learn to learn mathematics (LD1015), examiner, assistant | Course web
Learn to learn online (LD1000), teacher, assistant | Course web
Learning to learn with AI (LD1016), examiner, assistant | Course web
Procrastination and Perfectionism (LD1003), teacher, assistant | Course web
Psychology and Critical Thinking (LD1004), examiner, assistant, teacher | Course web
Study Strategies for Effective Learning (LD1007), teacher, assistant | Course web
Sustainable Knowledge Dissemination through OER and Open Science (LD1013), examiner, teacher, assistant | Course web
Teaching and Learning for Challenge Driven Education in a Global Context (LH233V), teacher | Course web