Martin Edin Grimheden
Om mig
Curriculum Vitae
Docent in Mechatronics, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (2019).
PhD in Machine Design, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (2006).
Degree of Licentiate of Technology, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (2002).
Degree of Bachelor of Social Science with a Major in Education, University of Stockholm (1999) (Filosofie kandidatexamen med pedagogik som huvudämne)
Degree of Master of Science in Machine Design, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (1997). (Civilingenjörsexamen i Maskinteknik)
Associate Professor in Mechatronics, Department of Machine Design, Royal Institute of Technology, 2007-
Various positions, KTH, 1996-2007
Post-doc at Stanford University, Center for Design Research, 2007.
All publications by Martin Edin Grimheden in DiVA
4. Grimheden, M., Mechatronics Engineering Education. Doctoral Thesis in Machine Design, School of Industrial Engineering and Management, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. TRITA-MMK 2006:01, ISSN 1400-1179, ISBN 91-7178-213-3. (2006). Download PDF
3. Grimheden, M., Learning Mechatronics - In Collaborative, Experimental and International settings. Licentiate Thesis. Dep. of Machine Design, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. TRITA-MMK 2002:20, ISSN 1400-1179. (2002). Download PDF
2. Grimheden, M., Variationer i teknologers problemlösning. En empirisk studie av några problemlösningsativiteter och problemlösningsmetoder på KTH. (Variations in student approaches to Problemsolving. An empirical study of problemsolving-activities and problemsolving-methods at the Royal Institute of Technology, In swedish only). B.Sc. thesis in Education. Department of Education, University of Stockholm. (1999).
1. Grimheden, M., Modullära leder. M.Sc. thesis in Machine Design. Dep. of Machine Design, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. (1997).
13. Edin Grimheden, M., Törngren, M. (Editors), ACM SIGBED Review - Special Issue on Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems Education. Vol 14, No. 1. (2016).
12. Törngren, M., Edin Grimheden, M. (Editors), Proceedings of the Workshop on Embedded Systems Education, WESE2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands. (2015).
11. Törngren, M., Edin Grimheden, M. (Editors), Proceedings of the Workshop on Embedded Systems Education, WESE2014, New Delhi, India. (2014).
10. Norell Bergendahl, M., Grimheden, M., Leifer, L., Skogstad, P., Ion, W. (Editors), Proceedings of ICED'09, Volume 10, Design Education and Life-long Learning. The Design Society. ISBN 978-1904670148. (2009).
9. Norell Bergendahl, M., Grimheden, M., Leifer, L., Skogstad, P., Badke-Schaub, P. (Editors), Proceedings of ICED'09, Volume 9, Human Behavior in Design. The Design Society. ISBN 978-1904670131. (2009).
8. Norell Bergendahl, M., Grimheden, M., Leifer, L., Skogstad, P., Chen, W. (Editors), Proceedings of ICED'09, Volume 8, Design Information and Knowledge. The Design Society. ISBN 978-1904670124. (2009).
7. Norell Bergendahl, M., Grimheden, M., Leifer, L., Skogstad, P., McAloone, T. (Editors), Proceedings of ICED'09, Volume 7, Design for X, Design to X. The Design Society. ISBN 978-1904670117. (2009).
6. Norell Bergendahl, M., Grimheden, M., Leifer, L., Skogstad, P., Seering, W. (Editors), Proceedings of ICED'09, Volume 6, Design Methods and Tools, Part 2. The Design Society. ISBN 978-1904670100. (2009).
5. Norell Bergendahl, M., Grimheden, M., Leifer, L., Skogstad, P., Seering, W. (Editors), Proceedings of ICED'09, Volume 5, Design Methods and Tools, Part 1. The Design Society. ISBN 978-1904670094. (2009).
4. Norell Bergendahl, M., Grimheden, M., Leifer, L., Skogstad, P., Lindemann, U. (Editors), Proceedings of ICED'09, Volume 4, Product and Systems Design. The Design Society. ISBN 978-1904670087. (2009).
3. Norell Bergendahl, M., Grimheden, M., Leifer, L., Skogstad, P., Cantamessa, M. (Editors), Proceedings of ICED'09, Volume 3, Design Organization and Management. The Design Society. ISBN 978-1904670070. (2009).
2. Norell Bergendahl, M., Grimheden, M., Leifer, L., Skogstad, P., Reich, Y. (Editors), Proceedings of ICED'09, Volume 2, Design Theory and Research Methodology. The Design Society. ISBN 978-1904670063. (2009).
1. Norell Bergendahl, M., Grimheden, M., Leifer, L., Skogstad, P., Clarkson, J. (Editors), Proceedings of ICED'09, Volume 1, Design Processes. The Design Society. ISBN 978-1904670056. (2009).
3. Grimheden, M., Mechatronics Engineering Curriculum Design. In: Bishop, R. (Ed.), Mechatronics Handbook 2nd ed., Taylor & Francis, CRC Press. (2007). Download PDF
2. Grimheden, M., Mätgivarteknik (Sensor technology, in Swedish only). In Elektroteknik Del 1. Dept. of Machine Design, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. (1999).
1. Grimheden, M., Elektrisk mätteknik (Electrical measurement technology, in Swedish only). In Elektroteknik Del 1. Dept. of Machine Design, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. (1999).
9. Asplund, F., Edin Grimheden, M., Reinforcing Learning in an Engineering Master's Degree Program: The Relevance of Research Training. International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 598-619. (2019)
8. Törngren, M., Edin Grimheden, M., Gustafsson, J., Birk, W., Strategies and considerations in shaping cyber-physical systems education. ACM SIGBED Review, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 53-60. (2016)
7. Edin Grimheden, M., Can agile methods enhance mechatronics design education? Mechatronics, 23 (2013), pp. 967-973. (2013)
6. Törngren, M., Grimheden, M., Adamsson, N., Experiences from large embedded systems development projects in education, involving industry and research. ACM SIGBED Review 4 (1) (2007), pp. 55-63.
5. Grimheden, M., Törngren, M., How should Embedded Systems be taught? Experiences and snapshots from Swedish higher engineering education. ACM SIGBED Review 2 (4) (2005), pp. 34-39.
4. Grimheden, M., Törngren, M., What is Embedded Systems and how should it be taught? - Results from a didactical analysis. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems 4 (3) (2005), pp. 633-651.
3. Grimheden, M., Hanson, M., Mechatronics - the Evolution of an Academic Discipline in Engineering Education. Mechatronics 15 (2005), pp. 179-192.
2. Grimheden, M., Strömdahl, H., The Challenge of Distance: Opportunity Learning in Transnational Collaborative Educational Settings. International Journal of Engineering Education 20 (4) (2004), pp. 619-627.
1. Grimheden, M., Hanson, M., Collaborative Learning in Mechatronics with Globally Distributed Teams. International Journal of Engineering Education 19 (4) (2003), pp. 569-574.
4. Grimheden, M. and Ölundh Sandström, G. Examples of research areas related to the Product Innovation Engineering Program, PIEp. Technical Report, TRITA-MMK 2008:05, ISSN 1400-1179. (2008). Download PDF
3. Grimheden, M., Maskinkonstruktion - Sociala konstruktioner av ingenjörers maskiner. (Machine Design - Social Constructions of Engineers Machines, In swedish only) Teknisk Rapport, TRITA-MMK 2004:04, ISSN 1400-1179. (2004). Download PDF
2. Grimheden, M. (red.), Vad är Maskinkonstruktion, och hur skall det undervisas? (What is Machine Design, and how should it be taught? In swedish only) Teknisk Rapport, TRITA-MMK 2004:03, ISSN 1400-1179. (2004). Download PDF
1. Grimheden, M., Variationer i teknologers problemlösningsmetodik. (Variations in student methods of Problemsolving, In swedish only). Department of Education, University of Stockholm. (1999).
42. Edin Grimheden, M., Flening, E., 50 years of Mechatronics - what is next? Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Research and Education in Mechatronics. (2019)
41. Edin Grimheden, M., Söderberg, A., Building program communities on many levels: group-, department-, school-, university-, national and international mechanical engineering program communities. Proceedings of the Conference KTH Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. (2019)
40. Edin Grimheden, M., Söderberg, A., Teaching Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal Treatment in a Mechanical Engineering Program. Proceedings of the Conference KTH Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. (2019)
39. Flening, E., Edin Grimheden, M., Many Mechatronics: A discursive model of Mechatronics' definitions. Proceedings of the 2018 Mechatronics Forum, Glasgow. (2018)
38. Eshkabilov, S., Edin Grimheden, M., Development and Introduction of Mechatronics program in the example of five Uzbek Universities. Proceedings of the 2018 Mechatronics Forum, Glasgow. (2018)
37. Edin Grimheden, M., Integrating research and education in engineering design programs. Proceedings of the 120th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. (2016)
36. Edin Grimheden, M., Experiences from a Degree Program in Mechanical Engineering with an International Profile. Proceedings of the Conference KTH Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. (2015)
35. Edin Grimheden, M., Internationalizing Mechanical Engineering. Proceedings of 5:e Utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges Ingenjörsutbildningar, Uppsala Universitet, Uppsala. (2015)
34. Edin Grimheden, M., Törngren, M., Towards a curricula for Cyber-Physical Systems. Proceedings of the Workshop on Embedded Systems Education, WESE2014, New Delhi, India. (2014)
33. Edin Grimheden, M., Creating an International Profile of a Degree Program in Mechanical Engineering. Proceedings of the 118th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. (2014)
32. Edin Grimheden, M., Increasing student responsibility in design projects with agile methods. Proceedings of the 117th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. (2013)
31. Edin Grimheden, M., Mutual learning experiences mechatronics capstone course projects based on Scrum. Proceedings of the 116th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. (2012)
30. Edin Grimheden, M., Can agile methods enhance mechatronics education?: Experiences from basing a capstone course on Scrum. Proceedings of the 116th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. (2012)
29. Berglund, A., Klasén, I., Hanson, M., Edin Grimheden, M., Changing Mindsets, Improving Creativity and Innovation in Engineering Education. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education E&PDE11. (2011)
28. Berglund, A., Edin Grimheden, M., The Importance of Prototyping for Education in Product Innovation Engineering. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference of Research into Desgin 11'. (2011)
27. Grimheden, M., Berglund, A., Creating a Better World by International Collaboration in Product Innovation Engineering - The PIEp Way. Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education 2009, Brighton, UK. (2009). Download PDF
26. Grimheden, M., The Product Innovation Engineering Program: Promoting Creativity, Synthesis and International Collaboration. Proceedings of the ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, San Diego, USA. (2009). Download PDF
25. Grimheden, M., PIEp EDU: Education for Product Innovation. Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED 09, Stanford, USA. (2009). Download PDF
24. Grimheden, M., The Product Innovation Engineering Program and International Collaboration. Proceedings of the 116th Annual ASEE Conference and Exposition, Austin, USA. (2009). Download PDF
23. Grimheden, M., Education for Product Innovation - A 'Good Practices' Report. Proceedings of the 116th Annual ASEE Conference and Exposition, Austin, USA. (2009). Download PDF
22. Parida, V., Berglund, A., Sturm, D., Grimheden, M., Facilitating the Learning Environment: Initiatives Within the PIEp Research School. Proceedings of the 5th International CDIO Conference, Singapore. (2009). Download PDF
21. Adamsson, N., Grimheden, M., The Product Developer: Education and Professional Role. Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED 07, Paris, France. (2007). Download PDF
20. Grimheden, M., Hanson, M., Norell Bergendahl, M., Wikander, J., PIEp: Product Innovation Engineering Program. Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED 07, Paris, France. (2007). Download PDF
19. Grimheden, M., Product Innovation Engineering Program: Training Students in Entrepreneurial Thinking. Proceedings of the 114th Annual ASEE Conference and Exposition, Honolulu, USA. (2007). Download PDF
18. Grimheden, M., Preparing Swedish Mechatronics Engineering Students for a Global Industry. Proceedings of the 114th Annual ASEE Conference and Exposition, Honolulu, USA. (2007). Download PDF
17. Grimheden, M., From Capstone Courses to Cornerstone Projects: Transferring Experiences from Design Engineering Final Year Students to First Year Students. Proceedings of the 114th Annual ASEE Conference and Exposition, Honolulu, USA. (2007). Download PDF
16. Grimheden, M., Norell Bergendahl, M., Wikander, J., Product Innovation Engineering Program: A Systematic Change Towards Innovation in Engineering Education. Proceedings of the 3rd International CDIO Conference, MIT, Cambridge, USA. (2007). Download PDF
15. Grimheden, M., Van der Loos, M., Chen, H., Cannon, D., Leifer, L., Culture Coaching: A Model for Facilitating Globally Distributed Collaborative Work. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference, San Diego, USA. (2006). Download PDF
14. Törngren, M., Grimheden, M., Adamsson, N., Experiences from large embedded systems development projects in education, involving industry and research. Proceedings of the Workshop on Embedded Systems Education, WESE2006, New Jersey, USA. (2006). Download PDF
13. Grimheden, M., Experiences from new Bachelor's degree projects in mechatronics. Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Research and Education Mechatronics, Stockholm, Sweden. (2006). Download PDF
12. Grimheden, M., Törngren, M., How should Embedded Systems be taught? Experiences and snapshots from Swedish higher engineering education. Invited plenary presentation. Proceedings of the Workshop on Embedded Systems Education, WESE2005, New Jersey, USA. (2005). Download PDF
11. Grimheden, M., Ritzén, S., Andersson, S., Coaching Students into the Concept of Design Engineering. Proceedings of the International conference on engineering design, ICED 05, Melbourne, Australia. (2005). Download PDF
10. Grimheden, M., Hanson, M., What is Design Engineering and how should it be taught? - Proposing a Didactical Approach. Proceedings of the International conference on engineering design, ICED 05, Melbourne, Australia. (2005). Download PDF
9. Grimheden, M., Hanson, M., Teaching Fast Prototype Design of Mechatronic Systems - From idea to prototype in 24 hours. Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Research and Education in Mechatronics, Annecy, France. (2005). Download PDF
8. Grimheden, M., International Collaboration in Mechatronics Education. Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Research and Education in Mechatronics, Kielce, Poland. (2004). Download PDF
7. Grimheden, M., Andersson, S., Design as a social activity and students' concept of design. Proceedings of the International Engineering and Product Design Education Conference, Delft, The Netherlands. (2004). Download PDF
6. Grimheden, M., Hanson, M., How might Education in Mechatronics benefit from Problem Based Learning? Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Research and Education in Mechatronics, Bochum, Germany. (2003). Download PDF
5. Grimheden, M., Hanson, M., A modular approach to experimental learning and fast prototype design of mechatronic systems - Introducing the Mechatronic Learning Concept. Proceedings of The International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED03, Stockholm, Sweden. (2003). Download PDF
4. Grimheden, M., Hanson, M., The Lab in Your Pocket - A modular approach to experimental learning in Mechatronics. Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechatronics 2003, Loughborough, UK. (2003). Download PDF
3. Grimheden, M., Hanson, M., Providing a framework for prototype design of Mechatronic systems - A field study of an international collaborative educational project using the Mechatronic Learning Concept. Proceedings of the 3rd European Workshop on Education in Mechatronics, Copenhagen, Denmark. (2002). Download PDF
2. Grimheden, M., Kask, A., Sell, R., Tamre, M., The Mechatronics Collaboration Project between KTH and TTU (Sweden-Estonia). Proceedings of the 3rd European Workshop on Education in Mechatronics, Copenhagen, Denmark. (2002).
1. Grimheden, M., Hanson, M., What is Mechatronics? Proposing a Didactical Approach to Mechatronics. Proceedings of the 1st Baltic Sea Workshop on Education in Mechatronics, Kiel, Germany. (2001). Download PDF
Other activities
Member of dissertation committees
Ramón Garrote, Stockholm University, Department of Education, 2015
Johannes Edgren, KTH, Vehicle Engineering, 2011
PhD supervision
Main supervisor Elias Flening (plan to graduate 2023)
Main supervisor Fariba Rahimi (graduated 2021)
Co-supervisor Anders Berglund, 2013
Head of Department, KTH Engineering Design (former Machine Design), 2019-
Head of Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal Opportunities at KTH ITM-School, 2022-
Co-director KTH IRIS - Research Initiative on Sustainable Industry and Society, 2022-
Co-director KTH Research Platform for Industrial Transformation, 2022-
Steering group of Nordic Innovation Hub on Industrial Internet of Things, HI2OT, 2018-
Member of SULF Expert Group on Education (The Swedish Association of University Teachers and Researchers), 2016-2017
Project co-lead CPSE (CPS Engineering Labs), 2015-
Division manager KTH Mechatronics, 2013-2021
Steering group of FUSE research project, 2013-2016
Program director KTH Master program in Engineering Design, 2013-2015
Program director KTH Mechanical Engineering Program (Civilingenjörsprogrammet i Maskinteknik), 2012-
Guest researcher KTH School of Education and Communication in Engineering Science, 2012-2013
Grant holder, EU Tempus Project Mach, 2013-2017
Co-chair and editor Workshop on Embedded Systems Education 2014-
Program co-chair International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED, 2009, at Stanford University
Invited Speaker Erasmus+ Nordic Information Days, Copenhagen 19-20/11 2015
Erasmus+ grant SimLab, 2015-2018
Grant from ICT-Labs, CPS Curriculum and Summerschool 2014-2015
Examensarbete inom mekatronik, avancerad nivå (MF214X), examinator, lärare | Kurswebb
Examensarbete inom mekatronik, avancerad nivå (MF224X), examinator, lärare | Kurswebb
Inbyggda system för mekatronik (MF2103), kursansvarig, lärare | Kurswebb
Maskinteknik, introduktionskurs (MF1001), examinator | Kurswebb
Mekatronik allmän kurs (MF2030), lärare | Kurswebb
Mekatronik högre kurs, hösttermin (MF2059), examinator | Kurswebb
Mekatronik i produktdesign (MF2104), examinator | Kurswebb
Mekatronik, ekonomi och ledarskap (MF2050), examinator | Kurswebb
Mekatronik, ekonomi och ledarskap, utökad kurs (MF2079), examinator | Kurswebb
Programmering i C för inbyggda styrsystem (MF2095), examinator, kursansvarig, lärare | Kurswebb
Systemtänkande och modellering av komplexa dynamiska system (FMF3035), examinator | Kurswebb