IEA Florens
Publicerad 2018-09-04
Avdelningen för ergonomi har representerats i Florens på IEA konferensen.

Mikael Forsman presenterade: Textile Integrated Sensors for Smart Assessments of Physical Exposure (In Special Session “New Methods in Upper Extremity Exposure Assessment
Can Borg’s RPE-scale be used as an estimate of workday energy consumption in physically demanding work?Jörgen Eklund presenterade:Smart work clothes give better health - through improved work technique, work organization and production technology
Applications of Lean in stores
Linda Rose presenterade: RAMP - A Comprehensive MSD Risk Management Too
Liyun Yang presenterade: Validation and comparison of three positioning protocols of inertial and magnetic sensors for measuring trunk movement Linda Rolfö presenterade: A methods framework and an intervention for planning and design processes