Research on Digital Learning
The Digital Learning research group at KTH examines how technology can be used to support education and learning. The group combines researchers with technical and pedagogical competence. The research is often design-based. This means that we study emerging technologies in learning settings and develop prototypes and methods as part of the research. We also aim to contribute to the development of methods and technologies that can be used in practice.
Current projects and news
- 8 million to “Mattecoach på nätet”
29 Aug 2022
- Digital resources to match students' prior knowledge
23 May 2022
- Call for participation in the 2022 Learning & Teaching Thematic Peer Groups
21 Jan 2022
- Patricia Diaz is the recipient of the Guldäpplet Anniversary Award
18 Nov 2021
- Informing designs for learning when shifting to digital
26 Nov 2020
Research on Digital Learning
We primarily examine how technology can be used to support education and learning. Our research also examines digital learning in other settings. One example is children’s writing in digital environments.
The research group is particularly interested in tutoring and mathematical problem-solving in digital environments. The group manages the project (in Swedish), which is an international research project where teacher education students at several universities tutor K-12 students in mathematics. We have also initiated the project, where we experiment with opportunities to tutor and discuss mathematics in an online environment.
Development of digital learning at KTH
The research contributes to the quality of digital learning at KTH by conducting research and development (R&D) on, among other things, university teacher's professional development, design of digital education and massive open online courses.
Graduate schools
The research team participates in national research schools on digital technologies in K-12 and teacher education . We also participate in a Scandinavian network on higher education and e-learning. We are active in research schools specifically aimed at school teachers, who work part-time as teachers and part-time as Ph.D. students.
Publications and financiers
The research group publishes internationally in the most prominent journals in the area, such as Computers & Education and Internet and Higher Education, and has received a number of international awards. The research is funded by different sources, including the Swedish Research Council, Forte, Sweden’s Innovation Agency (Vinnova), The Marcus and Amalia Wallenberg Foundation and the European Union.
Research leader
We work in the research group
Tiina Leino Lindell
Göteborgs universitet