
Dr Valente specializes in the analysis of socio-spatial deprivation at the smallest geographical levels, mostly from a quantitative perspective, and with a focus on the effect of insecurities on the dynamics of social exclusion. He was awarded a PhD summa cum laude by the University of Barcelona in January 2016 for a dissertation on crime and inequality in Barcelona. He acted as the scientific coordinator of the Horizon 2020 MARGIN project (ref. 653004) between 2015 and 2017, and he is currently involved in the SMARTDEST project (2020–2022, ref: 870753), and the VIPOLIS project (2021–2024, ref: PID2020-114012 GB-100) funded by the Spanish State Research Agency. His work has been published in top journals including the European Journal of Criminology, the European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, Social Science & Medicine, and Applied Geography.