
Elsa Marie D’Silva is the Founder of Red Dot Foundation (India) and President of Red Dot Foundation Global (USA). Its technology platform Safecity, crowdsources personal experiences of sexual violence and abuse in public and private spaces globally. Since Safecity started in Dec 2012, it has become the largest crowd map on the issue in India and abroad. ElsaMarie is one of the W7 advisors under the German G7 Presidency. She is a 2020 Gratitude Network Fellow, 2019 IWF Fellow and a Reagan Fascell Democracy Fellow, a 2018 Yale World Fellow and an alumni of the Stanford Draper Hills Summer School, the US State Department’s Fortune Mentoring Program, Oxford Chevening Gurukul and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Commonwealth Leadership Program.

Andrea Adams, Ph.D., J.D., M.B.A., is an Assistant Professor at UDC whose research is focused on data privacy, gender-based violence, and emergency management ethics. Andrea teaches ethics in the Criminal Justice Bachelors/Homeland Security Master’s program. Andrea is a Board Member of Red Dot Foundation Global, a crowdsourcing smartphone app that maps gender-based violence. Andrea’s research agenda and publications include understanding the impacts of using technology to reduce gender-based violence in rural areas.

Vaibhavi Rani Maske is a lawyer who specializes in Gender, Law, and Social Justice in India. She has graduated with a B.A. LL.B. (honors) degree in the year 2020, with the experience of teaching children from government schools and aiding legal clinics for community women and children in developing areas of Pune. As a Program and Outreach Manager at Red Dot Foundation, she has successfully run many projects on training and awareness for students of law, criminology, data science, urban design, city planning, architecture, and social studies from India and other countries. With an aim to dive deeper into issues of gender-based violence and its criminology in India, Vaibhavi aspires to facilitate and empower communities to create safer spaces by studying issues on the ground and devising intervention programs to address hyperlocal solutions for communities. She is also a musician by soul and often finds a balance of life in harmonies.