
Alistair Harkness is a senior lecturer in criminology and co-director of the Centre for Rural Criminology at the University of New England, and is treasurer of the International Society for the Study of Rural Crime. His primary research interests are in rural acquisitive crime, with a particular emphasis on crime prevention, policing responses and community partnerships.

Dr. Kyle Mulrooney is a Senior Lecturer in Criminology at the University of New England (Australia) and is passionate about building safe and healthy communities. Kyle’s current research agenda is centred in rural criminology which explores how aspects of locational context and cultural geography impact upon the types, incidences and responses to crime and access to related services. Here he has published on issues ranging from crime prevention and policing to drug consumption and criminal justice and is currently writing a monograph on Farm Crime for Bristol University Press (2023). Kyle occupies a number of leadership roles in the field, serving as the Co-Director of the Centre for Rural Criminology (UNE) and as the Vice President (elect) of the International Society for the Study of Rural Crime. He is a recognised international expert in rural criminology with his research and work having been utilised by policymakers and industry in practice and called upon often in the media.