Courses for Real Estate and Construction Management
The two-year master's programme in Real Estate and Construction Management consists of three terms of courses and one final term dedicated to the master's degree project. Each term consist of approximately 30 ECTS credits. The courses presented on this page apply to studies starting in autumn 2025.
Year 1
The programme contains a number of proposed course sequences that provide a level of progression within different profiles in the programme that are oriented towards construction project management, building and real estate economics or real estate development and land law.
These courses are given in Swedish:
AI2508 Compulsory Purchase and Compensation
AI2517 Land Development
AI2511 Implementation of Development Plans
Mandatory courses
Conditionally elective courses
- Financial Investments (AI2135) 7.5 credits
- Corporate Finance (AI2144) 7.5 credits
- Advanced Valuation and Analysis (AI2154) 7.5 credits
- Urban Economics and Cost Benefit Analysis (AI2155) 7.5 credits
- Contract Theory with Application to Property Management (AI2156) 7.5 credits
- Law of Real Estate Formation (AI2507) 7.5 credits
- Compulsory Purchase and Compensation (AI2508) 7.5 credits
- Implementation of Development Plans (AI2511) 7.5 credits
- Land Development (AI2517) 7.5 credits
- Building Informatics and Logistics (AI2805) 7.5 credits
- Project Development and Architectural Concepts (AI2808) 7.5 credits
- Construction Management (AI2809) 7.5 credits
Year 2
These courses are given in Swedish:
AI2518- Infrastructure - Responsibility and Financing
AI2519- Rent, Tenant Ownership and Leasehold Law
AI2505- Law and Economics for Land Use Topics
AI2507- Law of Real Estate Formation
AI252X- Degree project in Real Estate Development and Land Law
Mandatory courses
Conditionally elective courses
- Degree Project in Building and Real Estate Economics, Second Cycle (AI206X) 30.0 credits
- Business Cycles in Construction and Real Estate Markets (AI2106) 7.5 credits
- Facility Management (AI2117) 7.5 credits
- Management and Leadership (AI2127) 7.5 credits
- Entrepreneurial Finance (AI2148) 7.5 credits
- Financial Economics with Real Estate Applications (AI2153) 7.5 credits
- Law and Economics for Land Use Topics (AI2505) 7.5 credits
- Infrastructure - Responsibility and Financing (AI2518) 7.5 credits
- Rent, Tenant Ownership and Leasehold Law (AI2519) 7.5 credits
- Degree Project in Real Estate Development and Land Law, Second Cycle (AI252X) 30.0 credits
- Project for Construction Project Managers (AI2807) 7.5 credits
- Degree Project in Architectural Design and Construction Project Management, Second Cycle (AI281X) 30.0 credits