Per Norström
Associate professor
About me
Research interests: technology education, engineering education, analytical philosophy of technology
List of publications (link to KTH Diva)
Degree Project in Subject-Based Teaching and Learning, First Cycle (LT101X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Subject-Based Teaching and Learning, Second Cycle (LT201X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Technology and Learning, Second Cycle (LT200X), examiner | Course web
Development Project in Technology Education (LT2046), examiner | Course web
Development and Learning in Science and Technology (LT1039), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Education, School and Society-Contemporary and Historical Perspectives (LT1014), course responsible, teacher, assistant | Course web
Litterature Course; Education and Communication in Technology Sciences (FLF3003), examiner | Course web
Litterature Course; Education and Communication in Technology Sciences, I (FLF3005), examiner | Course web
Perspectives on Learning, Education and Governance (LT1051), teacher, course responsible | Course web
Programme integrating course (LT1040), examiner, teacher | Course web
School Placement 2 (LT2013), teacher | Course web
School Placement III with Subject Didactics (LT2033), examiner, course responsible | Course web
School placement 1 (LT1045), examiner | Course web
School placement 2 (LT2043), examiner | Course web
Teaching and Learning in Technology and Engineering, part 1 (LT2044), examiner | Course web
Teaching and Learning in Technology and Engineering, part 2 (LT2045), examiner | Course web
Teaching artificial intelligence in upper secondary school: Social perspectives (LL142U), examiner, teacher | Course web
Teaching artificial intelligence in upper secondary school: Technical perspectives (LL141U), teacher | Course web
Technology for Teachers in grades 7-9 (LL137U), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Technology for teachers in grades 7-9 (LL140U), examiner, course responsible | Course web